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H0lland0ats t1_je8gyfh wrote

This will come as a big surprise to you but the Feds mandate isn't "pump the stock market with cheap debt so WSB user TedMerTed can get free money".

The Feds only real job is manage inflation and employment from a macroeconomic level. Everything else should be coming from congress.

The vast majority of the "growth" the past decade has been finacialization. Companies have borrowed like never before in history to buy back shares, and take advantage of QE to its max. Very few companies are truly innovating and the ones that are, are doing it so incredibly inefficiently.

Bring back the evolutionary pressure of high rates. Last time they actually started making decent American cars again!


[deleted] t1_je8j8t0 wrote



GreedyGuard2660 t1_je8s9np wrote

I don't know for a fact, but i suspect this is why IPOs often take a massive shit shortly after. Seed/angels are like the shoddy house flippers of the so called innovation world. This is why the GameStop thing got the police baton so quickly. They don't want it a lot of visibility on the extent to which human civilization is a pump and dump scheme

I once had the opportunity to meet a bunch of actual angel investors. They obviously weren't unintelligent, but they seemed like dunces. They barely, barely cared about the actual pitches. They cared about "we are a blabla bullshit buzzword company, here is an financial modeling excel template up & right." It was fucking eye opening.