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brosako OP t1_jdbmjv5 wrote

But what’s point to back bank and send to foreclosure? They must have problems with taking those billions later.

I just have a feelings big 4 looked into their sheets and like dude these guys haven’t done anything wrong besides placing funds in safe bonds, their customers are super attached to them, even after bank run holding 100B$ that’s still good amount. Basically they need couple years to make money back.

I just can’t see how these guys are going out of business.


accountedly t1_jdbmq3k wrote

No as you said I don’t think they are going out of business. A lot of banks have the same issue so the government is going to have to intervene in some way most likely, they are figuring out what right now.

The time extension allows the situation to cool and deposits to return possibly plus the government can fully evaluate the situation across all banks. It’s not just this bank.


brosako OP t1_jdbmvbv wrote

You think they may wipe out common shares?

Why they haven’t done already?


accountedly t1_jdbn4dh wrote

They are fine to continue operations as is for a few months. After that it’s not clear. They just hired McKinsey and Lazard to explore options. Asset sales, selling the company, etc are on the table.

I bought Citi in 2008, quadrupled my money in a year.