Submitted by brosako t3_11za98a in wallstreetbets
Submitted by brosako t3_11za98a in wallstreetbets
>It's a great bank, but it's not for everyone. If you're looking for a place to park your money and earn interest, this is a good option. However, if you're looking for customer service or branch access, there are better options out there.
For example?
You’re responding to an AI
Lol, when this was deployed? I didn’t even notice 🤣
2023, I no longer trust anything or anyone.
Fintel price target is at 147$
Is it real? lol
No way in fuck that bank is going up to 147$ in the coming months. Maybe after the recession.
Ya, same here… But even after bank run these dudes have 100B$ in deposits, doesn’t seem people cash out anymore…
I’m kind of confused, should I buy it or naah
Super cheap
Especially with AI text possibilities and face replacement, we are gonna have a surreal world soon.
Not even sure Fed is real 🤣
It has a large amount of treasury bonds paying low interest. When the mini bank run happened it was forced to borrow a few billion at higher interest rate.
The big banks deposited the bank run money back into FRC at the request of the Fed to give it four months to sort things out without having cash problems.
Everyone is on record signing on to keep this bank alive and it’s something everyone is aware of so I think they are forced to keep the bank alive to maintain bank confidence.
What will they do exactly? Unclear, maybe enough deposits will return in the best case. Maybe the government will make some AIG solution . Maybe someone will buy them with a Credit Suisse type deal.
Idk four months is a lot of time for them to figure something out.
Could be a good pump dump in the next few days. If they don’t fail it’s a great price. Kinda casino play
But what’s point to back bank and send to foreclosure? They must have problems with taking those billions later.
I just have a feelings big 4 looked into their sheets and like dude these guys haven’t done anything wrong besides placing funds in safe bonds, their customers are super attached to them, even after bank run holding 100B$ that’s still good amount. Basically they need couple years to make money back.
I just can’t see how these guys are going out of business.
I mean comparing to other stonks, FRC has real customers, they are super happy.
Ok, some cashed out, but still deposits on sheet are huge. Gap is filled by Fed. I can not see how these guys are going out of business…
Something similar with BAC years ago when Buffet backed them
No as you said I don’t think they are going out of business. A lot of banks have the same issue so the government is going to have to intervene in some way most likely, they are figuring out what right now.
The time extension allows the situation to cool and deposits to return possibly plus the government can fully evaluate the situation across all banks. It’s not just this bank.
You think they may wipe out common shares?
Why they haven’t done already?
They are fine to continue operations as is for a few months. After that it’s not clear. They just hired McKinsey and Lazard to explore options. Asset sales, selling the company, etc are on the table.
I bought Citi in 2008, quadrupled my money in a year.
Bro ai porn with an adjustable pocket pussy that perfectly creates the shape of pornstars pussy, kids are fucked
Need that for dogs, all toys are raped
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Cheap, do it. Upside unlimited....Downside couple tendies.
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