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dat_dude41 t1_je7ql03 wrote

My son uses their online store. Like many others I would contend. 🤷‍♂️


robbinhood69 t1_je7tkg9 wrote

FL a weird one, they have buyback authorized for like 30% of shares outstanding but they don’t actually have nearly that much cash on 👋

Cramer just turned bullish on them today so naturally i bought puts, im assuming some bad news is imminent. I will cover on the bad news tho, there is a very real floor to this not far below these prices (maybe 30 to 50%)


potatersupreme t1_je7xlcr wrote

So, like, malls are on their way out, but is there someone that might buy them up for online presence and name recognition, and turn them all into one, kind of online mall, that isnt amazon?


paulc19802 t1_je7zvst wrote

Closing under performing locations on its own isn't bearish. What's the DD they're actually in trouble?

PE 11.04. Forward PE 9.36. Growth expected.

PB 1.15, low for a profit turning company.

Price sales 0.43.

Based on the data alone this company is significantly undervalued and could easily be trading at twice its current price with sensible metrics.

BBBY is swimming in debt. FL has a healthy positive book value. They don't need people to go to malls they're online.


Peelboy t1_je853m5 wrote

While a small sample size, the mall by me is always love going, and they are building new stores all the time.


Idbuytht4adollar t1_jebm1u6 wrote

Footlocker won't be gone anytime soon but would anyone be surprised if it was gone in 5 years no. I wouldn't invest