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CosmoPhD t1_je69w96 wrote

Yeah sorry I meant to write more but I must have hit the reply button sooner.

Amazon will recover once the Fed signals that inflation is beaten or we hit the bottom of the recession (which hasn’t happened yet).

The market is forward looking, so while we’re operating under uncertainty, like we are now, things will remain volatile.

We simply don’t know yet if inflation took a breather and is on its way back up, or if it’ll continue to fall.

Manage your money wisely!

The Fed is trying to shore up the banking system while raising the US dollar to cut out 3rd world countries from consuming too much from the international market which is mostly in USD.

Its why we’re seeing so much gripe about the US dollar from 3rd world countries. They’re angry that they’re about to slide back into poverty.

Its a sad system.