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t1_jef6t6k wrote

>Why would I want to do that when I can make so much more money by gambling?


t1_jef818u wrote

Op, what is the difference between gambling and investing?


t1_jef8hzq wrote

Gambling is when you put your money into something where the risk of losing it all is basically 100 percent.

Investing is when you put you money into actual long term safe, yet highly profitable investments. Such as the S&P500.


t1_jef7x4g wrote

Jo are the heads also talking about leverage, factors, portfolio strategies, arbitrage, volatility, hedging or special situation investing? If they only talk about how to best stroke their cocks I'm not interested.

Buffet invested in nearly bankrupt companies, puts all his eggs in one basket and takes leverage to the next level with his insurance companies. I think you took the wrong guy for an example.


t1_jef8j8y wrote

OP looking for attention. Where would you be in 40 years? It makes if you dealing with millions. But that $100 not worth waiting just to get a 10K


t1_jef986f wrote

I wasn’t alive in 1980.


t1_jefazh0 wrote

I'm about 40.

I figured it up and if I invested $100 when in 2000 that adjusted for inflation with dividend reinvesting it would be worth $154 today. Sweet.


t1_jefbf67 wrote

The problem with this post is that you are assuming the US economy will be as productive as the past 30 years. There is a real probable change that as global competition rises in productive areas, e.g., manufacturing, technology, etc. The US share of global market contribution decreases. The S&P500 has a decent portion of companies that rely on economic rent to generate profit and increase share price. Whether you like it or not, the us relies not only on citizens becoming educated enough to produce wealth through knowledge, but also from importing a lot of the brain power from other countries. Just pay attention to the trends. I do think S&P500 will increase as we are a productive country, though it's arguable that we will see the same magnitude of increase as we've seen in the last 30 years..


t1_jefd616 wrote

If you rolled $1 premium AMD Calls over the multi year bull run you'd be too rich to post on Reddit anymore.

Get the fuck outta here.


t1_jef8p0m wrote

And what am i gonna do with millions of dollars at the age of 80-90+?

Blow coke, bang 18 year old chicks, travel, and party?


t1_jef92r1 wrote

Sir this sub is a casino.


t1_jef967y wrote

You’re obviously very new here, go back to r/investing nerd


t1_jef9tn2 wrote

In 40 years, I will be in my 70s.

What am I gonna do? Get buried next to a moldy pile of money?

Also keep inflation in mind. It’s 100x in nominal terms. More like 20x in real terms.


t1_jefa3vl wrote

And you would have to wait 40 years to collect $11,000. Which obviously is worth a lot less today than $11,000 in 1980.

In your hypothetical example, this investment would have an absolutely negligent effect on my quality of life.