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Sensitive-Area2125 t1_iua58s5 wrote

Just wait. There is no way he'll get to keep a positive balance


luthertt t1_iua7fdu wrote

Hey! Can't talk about people worth less than 500M on this sub šŸ˜„


gbartali t1_iua7zxo wrote

no longer part of the "tres comas"... fuck him!


Lintaglen t1_iua8qvt wrote

Rumor is he is trying to buy the Parler App.


Kickinitez t1_iuaejrz wrote

I have 16 dollars in my bank account


thereallizardlord t1_iuaf6gj wrote

It's hardly his net worth that makes him a loser. Personally I'm rooting for the piece of shit to go broke, though.


FxckDaniel t1_iuaokvs wrote

Mustā€™ve had his money in meta


bro-guy t1_iuaovi1 wrote

Kanye is a pennystock


Responsible_Sport575 t1_iub1ax6 wrote

He doesn't have kim to save him this time. Must have forgotten to take his meds.


DemosBeans t1_iub8rov wrote

Johnny Depp getting paid three quarters of a Kanye for his next movie šŸ˜†


taurustravels t1_iubcvsu wrote

He claims to be the richest billionaire rapper


GuiltyGun t1_iubf9m8 wrote

I too lost 3/4 of my net worth this month


Blahblahblugh t1_iubhgiq wrote

Kanye has some real mental health problems


shehop t1_iubiqpr wrote

Billionaire to millionaire in 5 days! BS doesnā€™t ever happen that fast. Watch him start Yeezy stores and Adidas will weep. Good. The Elites are scum


ObumbanditO t1_iubmzfx wrote

Ohhhh mate I'm fuckin crying šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


-Fizy- t1_iubu12b wrote



rRawkus t1_iubui1o wrote

$600 M in a few weeks. Epic. Keep going Ye!


Key-Engineering8724 t1_iubx130 wrote

I donā€™t want to argue this but honestly the dollar sign is worth nothing at this point


Venoceno109 t1_iuc54qr wrote

Whatā€™s worse being anti-Semite or an anti -Shem-mite?I would guess both.


zxc123zxc123 t1_iucb01f wrote

And yes, by the way, i DO have a $1 billionarie tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5M dollars of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid šŸ˜Ž


raulz0r t1_iuch7h4 wrote

$400M more than I have img


alphamale968 t1_iucj5zl wrote

Imagine having a billion dollars worth of endorsement deals, and all you have to do is not be an anti Semitic shit-for-brains.


stiiiiiiiina t1_iucv8o3 wrote

Yes, but he is on slippery road to zero.
Or perhaps negative.
The final loss porn is going to be glorious.


-Hominid- t1_iucvpmu wrote

He's a loser because he's a moron.


MrULTRALONG t1_iucysbs wrote

Kanye is a joke like myspace or meta


ATI_LUX t1_iud5yk0 wrote

YE just lost 1.5 billions...thats a legendary looser. K. West still has 400 millions


robcado t1_iuddx6m wrote

But he has proven to be highly regarded, so 400m could go pretty fast


KenEH t1_iudsz5q wrote

I would literally gobble schlongs for a .5% of that, and I hate schlongs.


bobbycooli t1_iue4lkv wrote

That's my butlers monthly wage.


learn_son_learn t1_iue89qy wrote

The smartest investor was Kim... she saw the dip coming


Extremely-Bad-Idea t1_iuei2k1 wrote

Kanye is downgrading from a 900 room mansion to an 800 room mansion, but he still urinates liquid gold. Scientists remain puzzled by that second part. : )


Wall_Street_Bet t1_iuemigg wrote

Iā€™d rather be 50,000 in debt than be anything like Kanye. Fat ugly face, shit body, mental frailty of a 16 year old. He can have his 400m but he is a loser ong


Extremely-Bad-Idea t1_iugctph wrote

People with "real mental health problems" are homeless, drug addicted, self-mutilating, incoherent, or worse. Super successful multi-millionaires may be eccentric, but they do not have debilitating "real mental health problems".

Categorizing every emotion as a "mental health problem" is a trend in America. Psychiatry and psychotropic drugs are both multi-billion dollar industries. It is in their interest to tell everyone they are mentally ill and need lifelong expensive treatment.

The truth is that 90% of "mental health problems" can be resolved by increased social interactions, getting more exercise, or just adopting a pet to keep you company.

Most depression and anxiety symptoms are temporary and situational due to a family member's death, job loss, serious injury, or other personal crisis. There is nothing wrong with the person's brain or thinking. The problem is they are in a bad situation and need to work their way through it, not to take mind altering drugs from a psychiatrist.


A_Shadow t1_iugks0e wrote

Except this isn't depression or simple anxiety.

This is bipolar disorder which is a hella lot more complicated. This isn't something that be resolved with increased social interactions or exercise.

If you were to tell me that Elon Musk suffers from anxiety, then yeah I would agree with you.

But bipolar disorder is a whole another level. And we don't even know which subtype of bipolar disorder he has. For all we know, he could have the subtype where he hears voices (50%) or sees things (30%). Getting a pet isn't gonna help you with that LOL.


DidNotRedditMan t1_iugsu5p wrote

Kanye West found r/wallstreetsbets, that is what happened.