Submitted by SynapseCero t3_yfw2kg in wallstreetbets
VisualMod t1_iu5fm2z wrote
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Total Submissions | 4 | First Seen In WSB | 2 years ago |
Total Comments | 8 | Previous DD | |
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_andrewzilla_ t1_iu5fvqp wrote
Not really screwed but more like buttfucked
Radicaled1223 t1_iu5fyde wrote
Without telling us the ticker how the fuck should we know?
SailsAndStocks t1_iu5g7cp wrote
Uhh...did you even look at the pic? It's AAPL
taikeshyyy t1_iu5g9a6 wrote
4troglodyte t1_iu5gc8g wrote
Short answer. Yes, you are fucked💩
SailsAndStocks t1_iu5gdtc wrote
Uh... did anyone not look at the breakeven price? And the current price of AAPL. These are PUTS. Wow, some real smoove brained people in here lol. You're in the right sub it seems lol
ShopBitter t1_iu5gn48 wrote
Grimsage777 t1_iu5grfp wrote
you shouldn't expect regards to be able to read
ShopBitter t1_iu5gxsr wrote
OP its not a loss until you sell... when did you buy? Keep us updated.
Ash0300 t1_iu5gyo6 wrote
Hey hey hey be nice to the mentally challenged folks. God said, and I quote, “thou shalt not disrespect the regarded ones.”
AutoModerator t1_iu5gypk wrote
Bagholder spotted.
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AngryCenarius t1_iu5h2e6 wrote
The_Other_whitemeat t1_iu5hed1 wrote
WatchingyouNyouNyou t1_iu5hhrs wrote
You still have time but damn bruh that was a bad entry unless you are into masochism
nubface1001 t1_iu5hizj wrote
Playingwithmyrod t1_iu5i32f wrote
The word you're looking for is Fück-ed
Dizzy-Emu1513 t1_iu5ie6c wrote
Sorry bro but you're DP'd
Seymourtendiez t1_iu5isis wrote
Yeah you’re fucked aapl will run up around Christmas like they do every single year.
Maleficent-Ad782 t1_iu5jerh wrote
Thanks for your premium, see you next week
OnlyGainsBro t1_iu5jf3x wrote
Why bet against one of the top profitable company. If you don’t like money just flush it down the toilet, it will be quick. Why wait till January?
pharmboy008 t1_iu5k3hu wrote
You did this for the tax loss didn’t you?
_DamnDirtyApe t1_iu5kc09 wrote
You still have a couple of months. World events are crazy right now. Who knows what will happen between now and then
Ornery_Gene7682 t1_iu5ksjh wrote
Your not screwed….your fucked
[deleted] t1_iu5qozr wrote
redditmodsRrussians t1_iu5rlt1 wrote
Better buy some lube
JamesERussell t1_iu5runy wrote
pjrylander t1_iu5uv95 wrote
The latter
guitarguy809 t1_iu5v75g wrote
Fuckin toast
Saintloonatik t1_iu5x5z3 wrote
Fawkinchit t1_iu5ygm8 wrote
It looks pretty back but you can hold for quite a while, exp is jan so may be worth giving it a month, could go down a lot.
neutralpoliticsbot t1_iu5zi0g wrote
not much time roll these to summer 2023
Sad-hurt-and-depress t1_iu5ztdx wrote
Well, next week FOMC meeting might give you a chance to barely make it even. HOLD ON TO THE ROLLER COASTER.
turbohondaej1 t1_iu61lxq wrote
Looks good to me i might buy more and cost average down if you got some cash back. Price will go back down hard after a couple weeks. The date is far enough out i wouldn't worry unless we get close to 170.
Out of curiosity were you up or close to even around close yesterday? Probably should have sold yesterday before close.
Da_Sauceee t1_iu624ue wrote
Ouch. Thats a rip
INTERNET_D0CT0R t1_iu646fi wrote
Long answer?
Ok-Entertainment576 t1_iu66ow9 wrote
Keep avge down you still got time
FalconM9 t1_iu670vz wrote
See above
FalconM9 t1_iu6724a wrote
leli_manning t1_iu684aw wrote
Tim Apple said fck your puts 🌈 🐻
Scorpio11777 t1_iu6aex4 wrote
Still $21k is more than a lot of ppl here.
Gourd-of-Memes2020 t1_iu6b6tq wrote
120P, 117 breakeven.
Apprehensive_Ad_389 t1_iu6bhan wrote
monkeyking082 t1_iu6bnp8 wrote
Invest0rnoob1 t1_iu6c1pb wrote
117 😂
thewonpercent t1_iu6dkbk wrote
I think you'll be ok. Market is going to tank after elections. But it's going to look bad for a little while.
WatchingyouNyouNyou t1_iu6fsdg wrote
He bought 10/12 when aapl was 139ish
alohaguy808 t1_iu704nr wrote
Just hold them. You bought them for a reason so don’t cave. Otherwise you’re gonna hate yourself even more if appl tanks when you sell.
BigOunce854 t1_iu722lf wrote
U r screw screwed
No-Comfortable9480 t1_iu73d0v wrote
Could be nuclear war
StockMarketMike t1_iu7fhrr wrote
Yes and yes
Ashpro2000 t1_iu7fsm2 wrote
murphy1455 t1_iu7umhz wrote
Most likely yes
Amazing-District-632 t1_iu81hfd wrote
Why do you buy AAPL puts jesus xD
keleshia t1_iu8jo9i wrote
The appropriate response is prison rape
wtfftw1221 t1_iu8phfy wrote
Minako_mama t1_iu8wk78 wrote
Look on the bright side: if Putin starts WW3 before the new year, there’s a decent chance these will print!
Visual-Firefighter-5 t1_iu94ova wrote
I think you're okay
Visual-Firefighter-5 t1_iu94swg wrote
Average down
CatsalsoCookies t1_iu9qfk2 wrote
Broooo, of all those companies announcing quarterly results, you chose Apple.. alright.. hindsight bias blabla, but still.. there were so many better plays here
AutoModerator t1_iu5flqk wrote
Hey, if you haven't already, please reply to this comment with your positions and what led you to enter or exit them!
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