Submitted by NoStepSnek69 t3_z7hjjt in wallstreetbets
VisualMod t1_iy6lcpv wrote
My investing strategy is a combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis. I use historical data to determine which stocks are likely to perform well in the future, while also taking into account current economic conditions. Additionally, I take my own intuition and knowledge base into consideration when making decisions about investments. By utilizing both approaches simultaneously, I am able to achieve consistent returns with minimal risk involved.
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WendysFryCook t1_iy6lhrb wrote
Long on VisualMod
BossBackground104 t1_iy6lz03 wrote
Or you could just flip a coin.
DimesOnHisEyes t1_iy6mxqm wrote
You are special and unique.
You are not a complete failure that has brought nothing but shame and dishonor to your friends and family.
ihopethisworksfornow t1_iy6n74w wrote
Hey pal fuck you cats go to heaven
GuhgaChad t1_iy6plur wrote
MyPeePeeReversed t1_iy6s717 wrote
Dogs go to heaven. They actually love you unlike cats that show no love, leave whenever they please and want to scratch your eyes out.
Woof woof motherfucker.
trapoutdaresidence t1_iy6suye wrote
Just bought puts lmao
SmoothConfection1115 t1_iy6tdlm wrote
Just because one is “special” and “unique” does not mean they’re useful.
ihopethisworksfornow t1_iy6tl4u wrote
Cats show ridiculous love to their owners. Mine follows me around the house and wants to be held constantly. Never scratched anyone.
Junnowhoitis t1_iy6x9a3 wrote
Lol have you met a cat.
ihopethisworksfornow t1_iy6xqzf wrote
My cat is cuddled against me sleeping rn I am impervious to all arguments
Junnowhoitis t1_iy6ze4k wrote
Cats can't repent their sins
Sauceome t1_iy6zjis wrote
i've met a lot more mean ass dogs than cats
ihopethisworksfornow t1_iy6zzbk wrote
Yeah they can you just meow once for yes and twice for no
Junnowhoitis t1_iy706r1 wrote
OK I agree
RegardFinancial t1_iy7cjef wrote
SophisticatedTool t1_iy7lbzc wrote
Sure it will click and then everything will go black.
bkd6774 t1_iy7v0kk wrote
This guy
Chester-Ming t1_iy7v9li wrote
Thanks dad.
CollectionThen8101 t1_iy879t9 wrote
Hey I since Wednesday till I stopped yesterday at first I lost 45k instantly, then made 60k, lost 30k and just made 50k and closed today morning = 35k profit but I dont have to tell you guys how much I slept...
CheetoEnergy t1_iy8bzh3 wrote
The fact anyone took this comment serious and downvoted is hilarious.
kinda_hillbilly t1_iy8j8da wrote
Our cat is going to Heaven. There’s been multiple times where my wife or I have been upset and this dumb cat is all up in our faces pawing and licking us, because she’s our best friend. Knowing we only have a limited time with her is one of the things I’m most terrified of in my life. She really is the be—
damnthatduck t1_iy8vb9s wrote
I can confirm it’s all true except the cat thing.
kaleidoscopelyf t1_iy8yxgm wrote
Shoutout Swatercolour
bvttfvcker t1_iy8zj4z wrote
Grimsage777 t1_iy8zz2l wrote
M_is_for_Mmmichael t1_iy91r4o wrote
Ehh if it doesn't work out, he can always put them cheeks up for sale.
Loose_Mail_786 t1_iy93jxn wrote
My cats are definitely in heaven. But I didn’t needed that wake up call today.
Thanks asshole!
DimesOnHisEyes t1_iy96w2k wrote
I'm glad you finally come to understand that my little disappointment
welcometolavaland02 t1_iy97upi wrote
This is too much effort.
I'd rather just go to a casino.
ThisPlaceisHell t1_iy9g90q wrote
Cold-Permission-5249 t1_iy9jzs7 wrote
Kylo_Rens_8pack t1_iy9xht0 wrote
Made enough of these he’s actually in Rocket League.
[deleted] t1_iy9z9q0 wrote
McGee55555 t1_iyb1g8q wrote
Don'ta Jew wordy my littlea Bambino! All ofa da littlea Bambinos go ups into da Sky!
Smoothies2nite t1_iyb2ewx wrote
this is personal
cheeriooss t1_iybg5vz wrote
Guys I’m making the turn in trading after 6 years. The secret is to manage risk, position sizing (small, all or nothing at all), and be a market specialist. Don’t give up but don’t dig a deeper hole as well.
VisualMod t1_iy6lbvs wrote
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