portalmonkey0 t1_iyase8p wrote
Somebody's getting a Huawei for christmas
Thetagamer t1_iyashbu wrote
“may” fall
Imnotfromsk t1_iyatpxh wrote
Extremely slight factory problems at Foxcomm. Don't watch news and especially don't watch that horrible China Insights on YouTube. All is well with Apple phones.
slanginthangs t1_iyatzvs wrote
Already been priced in. Tim Apple fucks bears for fun
token-eater t1_iyau0cl wrote
Damn wasn’t it 6 million yesterday?
Dr_Original_Gangster t1_iyaytc5 wrote
"F$#& iphone. I can't even use Twitter on this thing."
80milesbad t1_iybblgp wrote
Immediately looks up China Insights on Yourube
YuriBezmenovReturns t1_iybbuja wrote
Ha.. You rube.
Longjumping-Frame-50 t1_iybozbx wrote
Hitting up VZ to go get the new iPhone, heard it’s pretty mids
Chester-Ming t1_iycgznk wrote
Maybe it will be 30 million tomorrow.
VisualMod t1_iyarw55 wrote
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