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t1_j282igt wrote

I say it will rally to $70


t1_j2agom1 wrote

This subreddit is hilarious. You were all buying TSLA at $400. Now it’s actually a good price to buy and you’re all hopping on the short bus too late.


t1_j2bfgos wrote

It’s whatever is “in” are what these morons do. Tesla exploding? “OMG BUY BUY.” Tesla tanking? “Garbage company, I might touch it at $25, not until it comes down to fords price since they’re a car company too”


t1_j2c8ism wrote

Or maybe this subreddit is full of regards with different opinions arguing all day? The people who like TSLA haven’t charged nor have the people who hate it


OP t1_j282r2t wrote

As I said last few days, I agree TSLA will fall below $100, maybe $80. But it will not reach until the middle of next year. Now is time for TSLA rebounce!


t1_j282gtj wrote



t1_j284vv6 wrote

What do those numbers mean? I see them periodically and a search doesn't yield any results. Thank you.


t1_j28vocv wrote

Emojis, they'll show up properly on mobile. First one is kekw emoji


t1_j29r50l wrote

Interesting. I'm on a Samsung mobile and I only see the numbers. Then again, maybe it's because I peruse reddit via the Joey app.


t1_j286g8o wrote

The pre-market is exactly the same as yesterday's close. I actually expect some profit taking and a small fall today.


t1_j28dwwf wrote

Oh wow, a graph of a single day, how informative lol.


t1_j283271 wrote

You must be talking about a trade because I see that over inflated car company, notice how I characterized it, as dramatically overvalued and should be sinking to the 50s by March 2023!!!

Possibly lower!!!!

I don't think Tesla is an innovative technology company anymore but what do I know, I just post on wallstreetbets, LOL 😂😄🤣


t1_j28r2vt wrote

crashing pre-market - am guessing you need it to go to 300 to break even

Next stop should be 100 then 80


t1_j287jr2 wrote

Man if you gamble in Vegas you could make a sheet load of monies and prolly get a free lap dance if you lose


t1_j284q0r wrote

TSLA will hit sub $50. Short-term correction now though.


t1_j28k8l3 wrote

People ignore the 3:1 split. They also have not found the „weekly“ candles on their charts. Basically I agree with you. 50 is still high.


t1_j284rm6 wrote

I must be timid. Gonna watch. See ya in a month on loss porn.


t1_j287ix6 wrote

All depends on January quarter report. Looks like the inventory on the site is now 0.

Another 50% yoy and this thing flies

They need to prove the hockey stick adoption for EVs

Which to me is dumb because countries already outlawed ice after an average year of 2030


t1_j28q4z1 wrote

It’s going up or down. The likelihood of it staying put is low. If ever there was a stock designed for a straddle, this is it.


t1_j28vv93 wrote

Lmao, OP clearly doesn't understand the concept of a dead cat bounce


t1_j29pue9 wrote

Forget catching a falling knife, OP thinks he can catch a falling cyber truck


t1_j2b0nx3 wrote

Just write a personal check directly to Elon, it’s less steps than buying his stock and waiting for him to dump on you. “Elon Musk is using Tesla as his personal ‘ATM machine’” (Bloomberg)


t1_j2ba099 wrote

The whole market went up this afternoon, Tesla was actually week in relation to the Spy and other tickets. High tide raise all boats, doesn’t mean Tesla is out of the woods


t1_j28t7x2 wrote

Its so regarded, it might just work out


t1_j296ww2 wrote

OP, maybe next time just post, guys I fucked up and bought TSLA calls, please someone buy my bags. Don't waste time posting charts and shit.


t1_j298ekr wrote

I’m gonna short this shit cause of you, don’t take it personally it’s just money


t1_j29x0tn wrote

Bull trap. A few days moving sideways and then another huge drop. Don’t catch a falling knife! Elon and Cathy will open an OF account to recover financially. Not me subscribing tho.


t1_j2a63lw wrote

such bold rally. Much wow


t1_j2a6um8 wrote

This has to be a joke. Either that or you’re one of the most regarded people on this sub. No offense.


t1_j2ayy2n wrote

IIRC deliveries are announced next week and should be a catalyst higher and carry until earnings hit. Post earnings depends on margins and the macro environment.


t1_j2b6cvi wrote

TSLA is a flatliner, just like your 1d graph. Dead very soon.


t1_j2beyg7 wrote

$TSLA triple topped with a head & shoulders pattern as of today.. it’s gonna fall more with bad earnings on 01/25 I’m short at 124 😉


t1_j2bkz9l wrote

Those who are bold make money, a lot of money, lose money, lots of money, everything. Those who are timid make money, lose money, watch people lose money and laugh.


t1_j2bt6wm wrote

If it dips, I’ll blow you… if it goes up, I’ll blow you… GUESS WHAT THAT MEANS !!!! gifgifgif


t1_j2buxsz wrote

Next week the numbers will be horrible and stock will tank 20%.


t1_j287xgo wrote

Would that make you bold and timid as you watch yourself not make money?


t1_j28k1yo wrote

Down today. Up Monday and gradually up for two weeks. Then the J Pow hammer in Feb. Buy at end of Feb to earn that Aspen retreat $$$.


t1_j28sd02 wrote

Wrong, the type of people that would buy Tesla’s now hate Elon Musk and would be embarrassed to drive a Tesla. I don’t think the right wingers will make up for the lost sales from left wingers. Tesla is done. (Jk, my source is anecdotal Reddit comments and a few journalist saying they’re embarrassed to drive one now).


t1_j282zb5 wrote

Yes it went up but the witch hunt on everything Elon is in full swing and I don't see negative campaign slowing down in near future. Company looks healthy though.

The enemy (insert here whoever fits the narrative) surely has more tricks up in their sleeve. Elon on the other hand don't have the right oratory skills to break the media spell. After months of reading shit about everything Elon, there's a glimpse of hope single article this morning. Is this the right time to buy Tesla stocks was the title.

Pragmatic business should prevail in this ideological war.

Grabs popcorn.


t1_j289v0x wrote

So you say we just read the wrong shit about Elon (who's merely too much on the spectrum to speak normally) and not that he was saying the wrong (racist/sexist) shit onto which the media just jumped (rightly so)?! 🤣🙄


t1_j28ks38 wrote

You ignore the demand side and the fact that „price cuts“ are accompanied by massive upselling of features. FSD is now 15k extra. The „iPhone of cars“ will not sell as well in 2023 and 2024. Right now, they want delivery to look good for the quarter. After that everything will break down.


t1_j290kue wrote

Model Y is best selling car in Europe.


t1_j2928wr wrote

Doesn’t mean they can keep up with forward looking P/E. But this is what all the Elon disciples don’t get. Share Price does not equal Sold Products. Tesla could be a successful company trading below 40.


t1_j2abjvl wrote

FSD is subject to lawsuit in California. They also are barred from advertising it here.


t1_j28cxdf wrote

Ok yes it’s a car company. But isn’t it one with an edge. The tech side. The battery side. The possibility of being able to sell proprietary technology to competitors. If it wasn’t for this shit economic situation we are in Tesla is a great company to get behind.


t1_j28tr88 wrote

The TSLA 'edge' is imaginary. BYD has the best battery technology. Baidu has the best autonomous driving technology. Nobody else in the industry wants the crappy TSLA 'solutions'.


t1_j2ar97h wrote

Yes and theyre all chinese trash. Tesla is more than a car company. Insurance business alone is worth 100b in the near future.


t1_j2fb2r2 wrote

Nearly every large car maker has an insurance and finance division. None of them are worth a tiny fraction of $100B.


t1_j2fdek8 wrote

None of them has the info on their customers like tesla does.. you wont get it.


t1_j2fmaez wrote

LOL. Mathematics isn't your strong point. Even if TSLA insured every car they sold in the US (literally impossible} they would generate less than $2B a year in insurance premiums and make about $80M gross profit. That would value the insurance buiness at only $1.5B.

TSLA fanbois live in a total fantasy world.


t1_j2fpyei wrote

First off, lets get the math right since your as dense as your ego is high. Tesla sold more than 3m vehicles so far. Teslas insurance is about 1500$. So that gives 4.5b, not less than 1.5b total revenue if all cars were to be insured in tesla ins. Im not sure where you got the 80m gross profit, since tesla doesnt do marketing and basically has inhouse eveything, has the best and safest ( in terms of profitability because they know their customers, thus have the best info on whether someone will crash or not ) insurance policy offered for their cars, profit will likely be north of 700m. Even with your shitty eval, a business doing 80m gross profit is worth 1.5b (LOL), this puts tesla insurance in 15b accounting value. If you include all other value boosts like future proofness, growth factor, home insurance, basically no competition and a whole package to be offered to investors, tesla insurance can and certainly will be valued at north of 100b ONE DAY. Not tomorrow, one day.