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t1_j28ixdg wrote

I always used to wonder how the hell the ancient people could look into sky, pick 4 stars and come up with some wild nonsence like "this is a horse drawn charriot that is going across the sky, with the rider shoting flaming arrows"...

Well, I guess when you stare at something long enough you start seeing thing. :D Sure, this is totally a horse... :D


t1_j28ou2k wrote

Alcohol may have been a factor.


OP t1_j28tpd2 wrote

25 minutes till the markets open, I'm shitfaced. Preparation is key.


t1_j29jzyr wrote

I mean if the markets gonna fuck you, it's wise to relax as best you can. Not the worst idea I've seen posted today.


t1_j28nzk9 wrote

Mfker gonna be an anteater soon.


t1_j28w6it wrote

I wish that the Fed was just a group of rich assholes who decided to impact policy to make charts make different patterns as a giant game of Pictionary or Scribblio despite it making and destroying families. I also hope they are just doing it for a traveling trophy.


t1_j28qy1i wrote

I completely wrote off TA a long time ago but this just brought me back.


t1_j28fue3 wrote

Lets pray its a unicorn👍 Magic sometimes happens 👍👍 Big PP energy 👍👍👍


t1_j29oaro wrote

🎄🎄MERRY CHRISTMAS BTCHES🎄🎄!! Now that it’s finally DCKmas 👅💦Santa’s about to slide 🎅🏾😉 down your hot 🔥 hot 🔥chimney tonight. So lick 💦💋those juicy candy canes and drink up that creamy eggnog🍼, it’s about to get wet down at Santa’s workshop🍆🍆! Don’t forgot to slide down that XXXtra 🎅🏾🎅🏾 big North Pole, and make sure your 🍪 cookie 🍪is yummy enough for Santa to eat👄! 👀 But are you bad enough to handle Santa’s giant juicy 8=candy👊🏼CCK=D💦?? Send this to 🔟 of your baddest itch elves💁🏼💁🏾 If you get 5️⃣ back, youre on the naughty list this year🍆💦! If you get 🔟 back you better be ready for Santa’s hot ♨️CUMlate☕️💦😭 If you get 2️⃣0️⃣ back you’ve got the most btchin 🍬peppermint 🍬pssy in the North Pole! ❄️⛄ Hope you get to blow 🌬 lots of XXXmas 🎄dck, and that you get lots of XXXmas 🎄CUMMIES 💝💝 HAVE A SLTTY 💦🍆👅DIKMAS YOU HE HE HE!!! 🎅🏾🎅🏿🎅🏽🎅🏼


t1_j2937bp wrote

Alright. I'm seeing the plan. Back to horse and buggy. Short tech and invest in ranches and blacksmiths. EDIT: Stetson! Giant hats!


t1_j29b0tv wrote

The technical analysis on this horse is off the charts. What will happen next????


OP t1_j29eta2 wrote

They bring out a shotgun.


t1_j29jx3m wrote

Honestly, let them draw what they want. Just, please, goddamnit guys, leave my meager profits alone 😭 too much lost and so little gained.


t1_j29lbdn wrote

I just wish they would give a clue what they are drawing so we can frantically bet our life that it's a dragon this time. Nope it was a penis...again...


t1_j2a35w3 wrote

Technically, it's analysis


OP t1_j2a6to8 wrote

I've watched a lot of Bloomberg TV this year.

All that technology and expertise... not one of them spotted it.



t1_j2a091y wrote

Maybe try making stock predictions looking by at clouds for Unicorns in 2023👀🤡


OP t1_j2a64rl wrote

Wait, isn't that what we've been doing this year?


t1_j2al87r wrote

Nay is also what my portfolio says when asked about profits


t1_j2bb6za wrote

Nice point of view. I actually see it as a descending channel but this works too lol.


t1_j2bdd2z wrote

Damn Bro! That's Fucking BONERIFIC!!!🍆🍆🍆


t1_j2blfnr wrote

You see a horse and I see a lizard from Dark Souls 3. Actually, I see the money printer.


t1_j2c2h17 wrote

The reliable horse pattern. Know it when I see it


t1_j2c700t wrote

Just imagine if the feds weren't purposefully crashing the market. Possibly chance of market going haywire ballistic 🤣🥲💯


t1_j28b2v7 wrote

The SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust is a good investment for those looking to gain exposure to the American stock market. The fund tracks the performance of the S&P 500 Index, which is made up of large-cap US stocks.

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