Submitted by Technical_Staff6949 t3_zx47dj in wallstreetbets
DavisR001 t1_j20fcv4 wrote
The Government printed trillions of dollars which FK people over with Inflation.
And then, the government fights inflation by raising interest rate which FK people over some more. It's double fking. (while still continue to print trillions).
And people wonder why there are homeless and looting everywhere. Our corrupt government is turning the US into a third word country, but people are too busy fighting each other over nonsense. It's by design, the elites are creating a culture that fosters weak passive porn/video game addict men, who are too weak to rise up against tyranny. You all know the saying, "good time create weak men, and weak men create hard time...."
Think about it for a second. We are more technologically advance than a hundred years ago. We have machines and robotic that can mass produce anything. We have computer, AI, and software for everything. The internet alone revolutionizes eCommerce. Productivity has never been higher.
The law of economy says that if you are more efficient at producing stuff, it becomes more affordable/cheaper. And yet, our standard of living continue to decline years after years. Poverty and homelessness keep rising. People can't afford kids or houses; we have record number of young people still living at home. Every stop and wonder why? doesn't seem to make sense.
It's because the government NEVER stop printing money. Wake up people. They print monopoly money out of nowhere to line up their pockets and buy up real world assets. Any increase in productivity is completely offset by inflation. A dollar today is only worth 10cents a hundred years ago.
Here is their game plan:
- Print monopoly money
- Buy up real world assets with said money
- repeat step 1&2 until hyperinflation kick in. Money become worthless, BUT they keep the real word assets.
- say "oop, sorry guys, your life saving is worthless now, but here is a new currency"
- repeat step 1.
And as the cycle keep repeating, the elites are buying up more and more assets , while the people get poorer and poorer. And that is how you get a two class system, the have and the have not.
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