Submitted by B3stAuD1t0rofA11tiME t3_zs0mj7 in wallstreetbets

100M viewers share passwords

Analysts at Cowen Inc. estimate that Netflix’s effort could generate an additional $721 million in revenue next year in the U.S. and Canada

The estimate is based on a survey asking consumers who share the account of a person they don’t live with how they would respond if Netflix required them to pay $3 a month to keep sharing, and factors in people who would pay more to start their own new accounts

Sorry Netflix, not paying $3 a month extra for my generosity. Already changed my password today and my friends and family were not happy, but you made me the bad guy.

I would double check that math on the $721M if you guys literally think that is just going to fall straight to the bottom line. The impact is zero.

Time to short this shit.



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