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pigsgetfathogsdie t1_j6lk09j wrote

That’s the diabolical thing about consumer staple inflation…

Prices inflate…but they never go down.

Companies will only reduce prices if demand tanks.

And, demand for consumer staples never tanks…because consumer staples…are staples.

Will the Fed reflect this in their data?…nah…this is little people problems.


1200poundgorilla t1_j6lsqwt wrote

Exactly, once they figure that they can keep the prices there and demand doesn't go down, why on earth would you lower your prices?


teth21 t1_j6m23x9 wrote

Other companies can lower prices then and take market share


Expensive-Concert-41 t1_j6m2brc wrote

I <3 capitalism I hope that comes soon


MercyFive t1_j6m3k0o wrote

I only know of one big chicken processor.....


stockrot t1_j6mdqt8 wrote

Actually 2 but they definitely price fix. Purdue and Tyson. It is uncanny when the two come out with weekly wholesale prices always the same


Random_Guy_47 t1_j6mcf9z wrote

Or they can raise their prices too and keep the same market share but make more money with that share.

Unfortunately the greedy bastards are all going with option 2.


1200poundgorilla t1_j6m3lsk wrote

We're seeing that play out in the electric car space right now. And that would be something that would lower demand, theoretically. But if everyone is keeping their prices higher than we think they should, they're either selling out the inventory they're able to stock, there could be collusion, or several other things happening... img


j12 t1_j6lr02w wrote

This is big brain