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VisualMod t1_j6milm7 wrote

>1) The price differences are due to supply and demand. If there is more demand for a stock, the price will go up. Conversely, if there is less demand, the price will go down. 2) If someone closes their position in Amazon stock, it will be closed at whatever the current market value is at that time. So if the stock was at $100 when they bought it, but then falls to $99 before they close their position, they would lose money. 3) You can make money by buying and selling stocks as long as you buy low and sell high. So even if a stock falls in value after you purchase it, you could still profit from selling it later on if the overall trend is upward (and vice versa). It all depends on timing. 4) All platforms have different prices for stocks because each one has its own order book with different bids and asks from buyers and sellers respectively


Alien_from_Venus t1_j6mizp1 wrote

The price difference is simple the comission they charge in the form of "spread". In etoro the spread is 2 PIPs(Percentage in Points).


n1ck90z t1_j6mki5x wrote

Let's say there are only 2 people involved, A and B

A is the only one owning shares and is selling them for 10$

B has no shares but has a buy order for 9$

Nothing happens here because no one is willing to sell to B for 9$ and no one is willing to buy from A for 10$

In this case the buy price is 10 ( you buy from A ) and the sell price is 9$ (you sell to B).

It you buy and then sell you lose money, you take from A then give it to B for less.

On top of this you may need to pay fees that change the order prices


SandwichOk8222 OP t1_j6mlnl2 wrote

Thnx for your time... I have another question ... If you close the trade(on etoro) when the market is close(like this time) when you close actually? Now or exactly the what time does the market open? I mean maybe the price now until the market is open is different but when actually buy the stock?


n1ck90z t1_j6mp6i6 wrote

You can only trade when the market is open, if your broker allows extended hours, you can do that also during premarket and afterhours. You can place an order but it won't be fullfilled until the market opens.