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mba111 OP t1_j613jqu wrote

That's my point, lol. It's a 'casino' with green and red numbers on a screen, which is significantly more dangerous than physical currency gambling at an actual casino.


Several_Carpenter_56 t1_j613udq wrote

I don’t care about your financial advice, i said I wanted the 4 for 4 meal.


rchill t1_j615c4y wrote

Thats why i throw dollar bills at my screen


Thunder_Nipples t1_j615n7o wrote

You'll be back. They always come back. It might be months, years. But then you'll hear about some dipshit 31 year old who hit it big with a couple of well-timed trades on $XYZ or how BTC is at 1.5 million and you'll lay awake in a cold sweat thinking about what could've been.


Hondro66 t1_j615s0c wrote

Completely agree with you. I’ve been thinking about using about 10k and buy the actual stock instead of using options. Be happy with the much smaller gain but much smaller loss. Same concept. And actually cash out the gains.


G4rsid3 t1_j616dk7 wrote

Tell me you have paper hands without telling me you have paper hands.


nxs_sss t1_j619vn4 wrote

100% agree and super dangerous for younger people. I didn't get into options until my late 40s (thank God). If I had this at my fingertips in my twenties I would've lost a ton of money. I'm a gambling addict naturally, but as I've aged I've learned bankroll management and risk management. But I still fall into that trance where it's just numbers on a screen.


thefxll t1_j61aamw wrote

this is prolly a stupid question but can you end up owing money trading options or do u only lose what u put in


FadeWSB t1_j61bocp wrote

Why even post this? Truly a pussy post.