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t1_j6imduq wrote

List of all the times the Fed hiked more than expected in the past 22 years:


t1_j6j0lm4 wrote

What about their first 75bp hike? bond markets expected 50 until suddenly a few days before a new york post monkey that's known for getting inside info from the fed talked about 75bp and got that rapidly baked in over 3 days involvimg massive gaps down on the indexes. No way that counts as having been expected.


t1_j6j8z1u wrote

You left out the disastrous CPI report that came out the week before the Fed meeting which turned the prospects of a 75bps hike into a real possibility, and sparked the change in expectations and the gap downs in the equity markets.


t1_j6k1pms wrote

This time the same reporter has been signaling 25


t1_j6k9s38 wrote

Nick Timiraos's twitter is where this information comes out, I don't disagree that it is likely to be 25bp but I see a lot of signs that we should be expecting 50bp. He's tweeting about Brainard's recent speeches and about how inflation hasn't proven itself to have stabilized.


t1_j6kg545 wrote

Previously he outright stated 25, I'm taking those statements as justification for continuing on that path. At this point if they were considering 50 I think you'd see him state "50 is a real possibility". The Fed really dislikes surprising the markets.


t1_j6jpbs0 wrote

It counts considering that the fed mentioned hiking by 75bps because of the recent cpi report


t1_j6jw6r5 wrote

There was the 1994 surprise hike.

Went into work at GS a few weeks later and the entire money markets department was gone. Guess they didn't expect it.


t1_j6iis7u wrote

>That's all well and good, but the fact remains that I'm richer and smarter than you'll ever be. So why don't you just shut your pie hole and accept your inferiority?


OP t1_j6ik1a4 wrote

You cannot be richer/smarter than me, you are still working and at age of 40 I am retired.


t1_j6il094 wrote

>That's all well and good, but the fact remains that I'm richer and smarter than you'll ever be. So why don't you just shut your pie hole and accept your inferiority?

tbf, mod is an AI. Never needs to eat, pay bills, etc.. Maybe he IS superior...


t1_j6ine0n wrote

You understand that inflation going down doesn't mean prices are coming down, right? I suspect you think inflation=price.


t1_j6inpun wrote

Nobody understands anything anymore. Everyone just knows they are poorer than last year, yet the stock market is going up and the one percent just bought new yachts.


t1_j6j8ra5 wrote

See, that’s why I dump all my money into the stock market, so my money can go up too. Maybe I can retire one year before I die.


t1_j6jc6ks wrote

I lurk this sub and have been gaslit into thinking I don’t understand inflation but it’s actually all the regards on this sub who don’t understand it.


t1_j6jlcwt wrote

My goodness in heaven, thank you. I, stupidly, spent the weekend arguing with Reddit about how prices have not gone down on a damn thing and got nothing but downvoted on this very sub. Check my comment history for your lulz.


t1_j6mxzv5 wrote

Of all the investing subs im in, wsb is consistently the most uneducated one while also posting with the most amount of confidence.

Psychologists should study this sub for Dunning-Kruger effect


t1_j6jpv71 wrote

Granted inflation on food seems to be getting worse. Gas is going back up to. I expect 25 though and them putting it the exact same msg they did in December.


t1_j6ix0vo wrote

>FED officials talked about 25 basis point, they will go further hard as job market is good at present and they can control further, later they may not get this opportunity.

When the FED announces a rate hike of 50 bps on Wednesday i will gladly add some cheap shares.


t1_j6jwpii wrote

I think waiting a day is usually a good rule of thumb. People apparently need time to catch up. Day 1 is denial.


t1_j6ikwr9 wrote

powell will smack this market with a 50 bps and slaughter these retail investors. hedge fund managers + wall street know that this is still a bear market through and through...


t1_j6ixgi8 wrote

Blah, blah, blah, buy and hold long. Wait 30 years, quit stressing about tomorrow.


t1_j6l5ya3 wrote

This is wsb all we do is speculate with extremely over leveraged positions on fed policy


t1_j6jydqu wrote

💯This is the only way to make money in the long run. If you guys are worried about more pain in the market, set up proper hedges. But don’t stop buying and holding good companies or indexes.


t1_j6ixwb9 wrote

HODL is a good start in a bull market with the FED on your side. Rn? Not so much. Being bear near FED rates and a semi bull in the waiting period is a smarter decision tbh...


t1_j6iyira wrote

I've been buying and holding since 2006....Will continue buying and holding. Sold nothing over 2022 bear market, just bought more. Shocker, portfolio is green, very green.


t1_j6jy7y3 wrote

Go back to r/investing then, nobody here cares about long-term shares in a retirement portfolio. This is a casino.


t1_j6j5koi wrote

Y’all sound like carbon copies of one another and that’s how they dupe y’all every time. FED futures predict 25 so it will be 25.


t1_j6ikn0n wrote

They will do 25.


t1_j6il2ot wrote

50 is expected until inflation is near 2%. Anything less would be an insult to the FEDS...


t1_j6im94j wrote

They should do 50, but they aren't going to do it I'm expecting .25 hikes for the next year and a reversal around election time. Consecutive .25 is needed just to maintain the current inflation rates.


t1_j6iuzzx wrote


Not happening for the next 5 years at least. Far more likely the USD/SWIFT gets abandoned as the basis currency since the rate hikes needed to get you to 2% would just devastate the rest of the world.

Americans basically deciding what their money is worth by jacking up rates to regarded amounts, while goverment keeps printing and borrowing.

The idea that retail/businesses borrowing cost is an alternate universe/reality from government borrowing and spending is funny. So policy makers want the government to have free money, and people to work for free for them... Just go back to slavery and get it over with.

EDIT: fat finger fix to add a T to be clear I am talking about the SWIFT system


t1_j6kkmxf wrote

Theres no way USD gets abandoned unless the congress went full regard. There is a chance to see a rise for bartering or precious metal trade in worst hitting countries, but everyone else will keep trading in USD - most countries uses USD because it is the single most stable and transparent currency in existence, and thats without the extra stability enhancement from been the most internationally used currency


t1_j6iwv48 wrote

Have to agree. While the value of the dollar goes lower, people in worse economies being payed worse currency will suffer 2-3x more than Americans as the result of these rate hikes. Just look at Europe. They printed endlessly for so long they're currency lost 3x it's value in a year alone... More pain expected in 3rd world countries and economies with way less stability than the western world...


OP t1_j6jmg16 wrote

>nted endlessly for so long they're currency lost 3x it's value in a year alone... More pain expected in 3rd world countries and economies with way less stability than the western world...

Look at Pakistan, Srilanka, African countries....already suffering


t1_j6jh47x wrote

Feds should do .50 and .25 in March then hold right at 5%…let 3 months pass and collect those data points. Easier to cut rates than to raise slowly for another year


t1_j6izbe0 wrote

They are doing 25bps, it's already confirmed. The only thing that might do is increase the pace of qt since rate hikes are basically done.


t1_j6k5sh4 wrote

The expected terminal rate has been trending higher, and they listed 5%+ as their last target.


t1_j6lrqbn wrote

This is the big one. Jpow can be like “lolz we are now targeting 5.5-5.75 as their target band, get fuked u regards”


t1_j6ivii0 wrote



t1_j6l0h0f wrote

I second the 🐸

Just wait until the war in Ukraine ends and energy falls through the floor along with everything else and the Fed is worrying about all the deflation …


t1_j6ito7g wrote

I think the ECB is pretty much a red herring, nobody on this side of the pond really cares or is affected by the Europoors, but BoC just did a 0.25 hike, they tend to be pretty lock step with the US FED, or else the whole country gets fucked given the whole place has a GDP output of a single US state (Texas) and the US is the biggest trading partner. the two economies follow pretty closely and the numbers are showing that Canada is at a breaking point. The BoC has signalled no further hikes.

The US FED doesn't, and shouldn't care about devastation their rate causes to other countries. I don't know if they do 0.5 or 0.25, I couldn't care less. And I think that's really the issue, most people don't, so inflation doesn't care.

The rate hike is completely useless to talk about as long as the bank is meddling and picking who gets money and who doesn't. As long as they are hiking rates, while the geriatrics in congress are pumping money supply by raising the debt ceiling, nobody cares about the rate. The policymaker is not a rational actor, so as disruptive as they may be, planning for it, pretending it matters are a waste of time.

As long as free money is going to someone, capital assets will grow in value and inflation goes up.

The FED is not after inflation, they are after employment... Rate hikes will likely not stop until unemployment is back in the 9-10% range, and good luck since libtard policies have made a two tiered society, the unemployable and people making a bunch of money because they can add.


t1_j6jk9i6 wrote

They are after wage growth, and wage growth has been trending down. Unemployment serves as a proxy for wage growth, but if wages cease growing there's no problem with full employment.


t1_j6j5mk9 wrote

I mean I wish he would, but like 1% chance probability.

That being said the market could still recede bc he'll just try to use words to slow down the rally.

I think by March FOMC inflation will be back.


t1_j6jhoql wrote

It's basically already decided it's .25. But that's not what matters. What matters is if the FED sees its shadow when it comes out of its hole and declares whether or not Spring is coming.


t1_j6j2v0u wrote

please raise it 75 or 100 would be nice.

it's time for the banks to pay me on my saving accounts.


t1_j6ijgot wrote

I can’t tell if you’re being serious or not, but that would be some wild shit.


t1_j6j4hyx wrote

Unless Jpow leaks a 50bp hike later today, it isn’t happening


t1_j6jdpvd wrote

Heavily regarded. Inflation is not coming down because that is not the objective... deflation is a big no-no. Let's look at the last six months... it's up 0.9%... times that by two to make 12 months... you've got 1.8% annualized.



t1_j6ji12x wrote

Zero chance we get less than 50 bps. Zero


t1_j6jl2by wrote

Jpow will keep pooping till “the job is done” so whenever the market gets aroused like this, he will make it go limp right quick.


t1_j6jqssn wrote

They are not going to do 25 or 50

JP going to do 69 just for the lolz img


t1_j6jv4t3 wrote

Don't get me so excited

It's pretty obvious it's going to be 25

But the question is what Powell says about the future

Hopefully he'll be able to get in a couple of more rate hikes before moderating to a peak rate for a while


t1_j6jvxao wrote

Sounds like hopium but I'll gladly welcome 50 bps


t1_j6iujp3 wrote

If they did .50bps it would make the fed look like they don't know what they're doing. Well, more obvious they are behind the curve. .25 is likely but JP and fed members will use hawkish tone to keep markets subdued.


t1_j6iyzvk wrote

If inflation WAS coming down, JPOW would not have said that he was going to do something unpopular.


OP t1_j6j68c9 wrote

Fed did not got name as it is, they start with "F" which also means Fuck Investors for mistakes FED have done or doing. Do anything to achieve there goal of 2%, considering fact 4.5 Trillion dollars dump by Biden and 3.5 Trillion dump by Trump in market. 2% inflation under any circumstances is not achievable.

Also, they are not doing enough to fix supply chain, bringing liquidity down to control and impact business is not a great idea.


t1_j6jdgzg wrote

I don’t know what ECB will do but FED will raise 25bp. It’s not even a discussion anymore at this point as the FED has been clear on this & inflation is coming down.

Now, will Jpow be a party pooper? I think so – just a month ago, he said he didn’t wanna see any rallies. We’ll stay around 5% for some time before there’ll be rate cuts.


t1_j6jwouz wrote

I think most people are missing the point,.25 or .50 doesn't matter, liquidity is coming out either way. Higher inflation has the same effect as higher interest rates, both make the stock market way over valued. The longer the market fights the Fed the more severe the consequences. Someone please justify a 19 P/E for the S&P right now, give it your best shot.


t1_j6k36f8 wrote



t1_j6k74f5 wrote

CCB did 25 and announced an official no more. What’s your point?


t1_j6k8b22 wrote

Inflation trending down. Bears are gay. Stocks always go up. I can not count past 30.


t1_j6kas0d wrote

If this happens I'll shit in a bottle and sell it


t1_j6kbyuk wrote

25 was leaked by one of the wsj journalist, he hasnt been wrong yet, so I’m assuming he got the call line to papi powell


t1_j6kcj7a wrote

50 then pause then 25 followed by another pause. The fed needs to stomp the shit out of inflation while it’s dying, not smack it’s little hiney


t1_j6kd1lx wrote

500 bps it is, thank me later guys


t1_j6klvtb wrote

They keep talking about the 25 basis point hike already baked into stock prices, hopefully J Powell says “fuck yo couch” and hits us with a 75 point hike 😂🤣🧗‍♀️


t1_j6kw2rx wrote

Thoughts? Yeah, you’re a fucking idiot


t1_j6kzzlt wrote

Fed said 0.25 Jpow said 0.25 They said 0.25 again and again

Wsb: 0.50 next week, guaranteed!



t1_j6l4khg wrote

honestly it doesnt matter at this point, the rate will be higher than core pce and the billion dollars question is how high Fed wants for the positive real rate


t1_j6l58g7 wrote

25 bps is priced in and won’t be a market mover. However, forward guidance will be the real market mover. 50bps would be a huge surprise and it will be a very red for SPY if that’s the case.


t1_j6l5c6b wrote

Probably not, if I were JPow, I would not raise with inflation, month over month, is almost back to normal. I would hold and see if inflation goes down further. Having said that, I am neck deep in puts so I am wishing for a big hike.


t1_j6l83ub wrote

JPow will bitch out and do 25bps, if he had any balls he’d go 50


t1_j6lnyyj wrote

25 basis points, they will do what Canada did, because they told Canada what to do


t1_j6lx68e wrote

I only hope the fed does the right thing and hikes 50 basis points. Everything about this economy is on fire...anyone thats laid off get scooped up by other business. Cost of raw goods may have decreased but that hasn't been pushed down to retail.

We also need to shut the traps of the analysts that keep wanting a cut. This reason alone I want 50 basis point hike so bad.


t1_j6iojwu wrote

People want to believe 25 but the market doesn’t care what people believe. JPOW will do what he always does, a surprise.


t1_j6iz788 wrote

Bears be bears, bulls be bulls. They all think their little cute charts and crayons predict future or some of magic ball knows it all.


t1_j6iz61m wrote

He literally never surprises, 25bps is priced in because the fed already confirmed it