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t1_j6l2mcb wrote

Just tell us how red your puts are dude.


t1_j6lduxw wrote

Listen my fine economics experience I acquired while smoking pole behind the local Wendy’s allows me to say for no biased reason whatsoever that if he doesn’t crash the market and turn my bags into gold he’s a fucking coward and a traitor


t1_j6kzlhq wrote

>I agree that if Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell raises interest rates by 25 basis points, it will show that he is not serious about his job. I believe that a 200 basis point hike would be more effective in communicating this message to the markets.


t1_j6l0oiw wrote

Fuck it. 2,000 BPS. img


t1_j6l04wf wrote

200bp would be really nice.

it's time for the banks to pay me... on saving accounts.


t1_j6l1xd9 wrote

Encouraging savings would be a cool economy but bad for employment.

Papa Pow right now imgimgimg

Edit: In seriousness though 25BPS confirmed. You can thank the Fed President from Philadelphia Patrick Harker.


t1_j6l7s53 wrote

I expect .25 and hawkish guidance if the market goes down a little more tomorrow i am all in for calls wed


t1_j6l925d wrote

25 bps with another 25bps to be expected if inflation picks up.

If he’s feeling extra spicy, 25 + unlimited 25bps until inflation is dead.


t1_j6lcvts wrote

Yea i will set my calls to automatically sell if they double because if he is crazy hawkish it can go down


t1_j6lgict wrote

Yup, I agree that’s the play. Shitty earnings tomorrow and fear of FED meeting results should drag the market down a bit and I’m all in on cheap calls at 2/3 or 2/10 exp for a quick flip.


t1_j6lhz50 wrote

I think tech earnings will be not bad. They laid off over paid under performing employees by the thousands.

Twitter laid off thousands and still basically works. I think big tec will have the same revenue but lower costs.


t1_j6lk72b wrote

I’m looking at GM and CAT to take small hits, maybe beat and give conservative forward guidance - AMD could go either way but I expect a conservative outlook for 2023 + a renewed focus on AI for 2024 and beyond. I think XOM reports tomorrow before the bell also. They’ll probably crush it tho. Same with MCD.

Hopefully all this action can take the S&P down a smidge below 4000 so I can load up on calls.


t1_j6ll0fn wrote

We pop tomorrow and Wed…drop on the hawkish stance. Cash holder with some 02/03 amzn 105c. Dumping 70% of them on Wed


t1_j6l5nik wrote

Tell me you have puts without telling me you have puts


t1_j6la4ta wrote

JPow doesn't have a choice. Paul Volcker didn't have 31 trillion debt either going crazy with rates. He's lucky real estate, used cars, and banks haven't caved yet. It's only a matter of time before QE, death to bears


t1_j6lb0mw wrote

just do a 1000 bps and get over with it already. img


t1_j6lbngb wrote

your only hope for puts is a hawkish speech from Jpow


t1_j6ldcxb wrote

Same ol' same ol'. As soon as wealthy players start losing at the game, Papa JPow runs in and adds more in-game freemium currency for his kiddos to play with.

New 2023-2024 season middle class DLC is gonna be non purchasable thru old USD in-game currency that early adopters saved up.


t1_j6lexvo wrote

Pouring eyedrops into his coffee before FOMC meeting give him the runs so these calls can print


t1_j6lhl8a wrote

Def needs to mark his dominance


t1_j6licur wrote

and that will show weakness in the economy. If it can't handle 75 its gone to shit anyway.