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Intrepid-kiwi69 t1_j6m5e9n wrote

Puts are up 70%.

Thank you :)

I'll sell at $140 :)


Cutlercares t1_j6myc45 wrote

Right? TSLA. Puts printed all yesterday. Rode the unsustainable call wave last week until bearish divergence appeared on indicators. Rolled my longer dated puts to better strikes (they didn't lose much value through last week cuz they're more than 2 months out) and they paid yesterday.

Sold enough to secure profit and kept a few to see if things go down more today. Will close before tomorrow.


Tozu1 t1_j6nv0au wrote

How’s the All time portfolio performance doing?


Cutlercares t1_j6nvsgn wrote

Down 3% all time. Did not do well last year. I let a lot of winning trades turn into losses. Turning that around is a focus this year.