Recent comments in /f/wallstreetbets
[deleted] t1_jegkn79 wrote
Reply to comment by HardOverTheTOP in I guess it's true... Stonks only go up. by thegreatgumbini
GSamsa1977 t1_jegkn12 wrote
Reply to comment by Spare-Help562 in Fuking great year so far by Spare-Help562
Bought or sold? 0dtes?
vollaskey t1_jegkmr3 wrote
Reply to TSLA 0dte YOLO by awkwaman
Nice man I got some 270 and 300 April 28th calls hope earnings are good and they double
SisterStiffer t1_jegkifu wrote
Reply to comment by SisterStiffer in 4 Trillion dollar corrective response by Theorysquatch
GSamsa1977 t1_jegki1y wrote
Reply to Fuking great year so far by Spare-Help562
Doing what?
Think-Ad-7538 t1_jegkgx3 wrote
This sounds like a bad thing for Google and a great thing for the people of the world. For the uninvested, sounds good
DYTTIGAF t1_jegkg7l wrote
Reply to Fuking great year so far by Spare-Help562
You do know you are allowed to sell? Right?
SisterStiffer t1_jegkg4n wrote
Reply to comment by SisterStiffer in 4 Trillion dollar corrective response by Theorysquatch
caughtinthought t1_jegkeua wrote
Reply to comment by BlackSquirrel05 in "No REALLY, we're doing fine" ~ every bank right now by JPowsSecretlover
It's 2T between each of the y ticks. 600B would be over a quarter of that. It would be very obvious.
ongoldenwaves t1_jegk8wh wrote
Meh. When the shoe shine boy is giving you stock tips, bail. - Joe Kennedy
DYTTIGAF t1_jegk8qu wrote
Reply to comment by ProfessionalFail5986 in Fuking great year so far by Spare-Help562
Silent-Charli-8285 OP t1_jegk5zy wrote
Reply to Question? by Silent-Charli-8285
Thanks for all the feedback. Really appreciate it.
JT36188 t1_jegk3uo wrote
Good thing I don’t work and will not be working in an industry that can be replaced by AI
Neerko_bat t1_jegk32w wrote
Oh yes Baby. Can't wait for the RS. I'll be selling calls to regarded Apes all the way down 'till AMC is at 5$ after the RS and they'll be still screeching "MOASS" and "AA is our silverback" while Theta gang is deepthroating them. And don't forget the RC fanboys. They're also loyal call buyers.
AvengedFADE t1_jegk0es wrote
Reply to Charles Schwab changing receiver account by Dr_One69
So puts on SCHW?
DYTTIGAF t1_jegjubc wrote
Reply to Mainstream knowledge of human porta-potties means that META puts are about to print by Business_Bumblebee80
Brilliant. It just amazes me that the Federal Government has given Meta a pass on this business model (as well as the titanic theft of information it swallows and weaponized against unsuspecting customers).
The criminality of hosting a flesh market in all 50 states means the State Attorney Generals might want to hop on board to this thesis.
Texas just passed a law (I believe) that makes it illegal to ban someone on social media for protected speech.
The honeymoon period is over for Mark and his hoodie.
PUTS buffet. Yes, sir.
GorthTheBabeMagnet t1_jegjuab wrote
I'm glad to see stupidity runs in the family.
Makes it easier for me and mine to make money.
Scar589 t1_jegjsla wrote
Every so often the IT industry gets something new that will "OMG change everything". We already had Java, Scala, Python, Agile, Pentium IV with its unlimited GHz, raytracing and dozens of other overhyped things. And what? Nothing. In the end all the old things are still there, and the new hyped stuff either falls into obscurity or just becomes another ordinary tool among thousands we already have. So no, nothing will change.
TLDR: I will believe it when it happens. Until then I'm back to programming in 51 years old C programming language.
BrutalCarlson t1_jegjqwh wrote
Reply to End of quarter rally? by poorschoolteacher
Windows dressing
Snoo-62999 t1_jegjqf6 wrote
Reply to comment by dustytrashfence in YOLO: May Lord Buffett announce a position in $FRC this weekend. $29k on next weeks 15 calls by dustytrashfence
VisualMod t1_jegjocu wrote
Reply to Mainstream knowledge of human porta-potties means that META puts are about to print by Business_Bumblebee80
#Submission Vote Removed This submission was voted spam. ##Reasons
Misuse of DD flair
Business_Bumblebee80 OP t1_jegjnw5 wrote
Reply to comment by the-truth-time in Mainstream knowledge of human porta-potties means that META puts are about to print by Business_Bumblebee80
I like big puts and I can not lie
dustytrashfence OP t1_jegjmn0 wrote
Reply to comment by Snoo-62999 in YOLO: May Lord Buffett announce a position in $FRC this weekend. $29k on next weeks 15 calls by dustytrashfence
Nope. Hoping one appears on Sunday 😳
Snoo-62999 t1_jegjkd1 wrote
Reply to YOLO: May Lord Buffett announce a position in $FRC this weekend. $29k on next weeks 15 calls by dustytrashfence
Is there an article saying Buffett’s position in FRC?
Mythiic719 t1_jegknci wrote
Reply to comment by VisualMod in YOLO: May Lord Buffett announce a position in $FRC this weekend. $29k on next weeks 15 calls by dustytrashfence
Ouch, rude