Recent comments in /f/wallstreetbets

Maelifa t1_jegp9z7 wrote

I work for frito lay, we sell this absolutely horrible seller of an item. Just a week ago they had us pull a bunch of the product and not count that as stales towards our commission. No one was able to sell them. Expiry date is extremely long and still impossible to sell

The jerky that is


ABadAssGuy t1_jegp49h wrote

I just heard a story on NPR discussing how the plant based meat trend is dying out now. Apparently a lot of nutritionists have analyzed the products and they are more unhealthy than the real thing because the plant based meats are way over processed with many additives in it. Personally, I would stay away from it.

This is not financial advise. Just a guy relaying some info from an NPR story.


BreadnPaper t1_jegoyb0 wrote

Reply to comment by unnaturalgenius in Advice by [deleted]

Wallstreetbets is more of a gambling subreddit than an investing one. We love losing money and posting it in exchange for karma. You'll most likely end up losing all of your money on options and horrible stock picks if you stay here long enough.


BreadnPaper t1_jego9ty wrote

Reply to Advice by [deleted]

First things first.

Get as far away as possible from this subreddit and join r/investing