Recent comments in /f/wallstreetbets
leli_manning t1_jegsbw8 wrote
Bagholders unite
Sharp-Direction-6894 OP t1_jegs6gv wrote
Reply to comment by HousingAggressive in Slaughtered Like a Pig by Sharp-Direction-6894
Yea, cause I control the fucking market and when it decides to go up or down, dipshit. I was correct, though. NVDA was $275 on 3/31.
Rd21Bn t1_jegs5eb wrote
Reply to OK analyst by Affectionate_Lab_425
hahah look, a blue penis
greenskew t1_jegs57m wrote
Reply to Beyond Meat? by ScummyCivicOwner
You keep beating that meat beyond belief and it will just turn red. Why do all that when it is already red?
[deleted] t1_jegs2al wrote
Reply to Fuking great year so far by Spare-Help562
RobertsonvsPhillips t1_jegs0wd wrote
Reply to comment by BreadnPaper in Advice by [deleted]
Can confirm, entertainment here, regarded we are.
NoIncrease299 t1_jegryjy wrote
Reply to Beyond Meat? by ScummyCivicOwner
Outstanding analysis.
piggybank_prophet t1_jegrws9 wrote
Reply to Fuking great year so far by Spare-Help562
Reddit_wasmy_idea t1_jegrwm9 wrote
Reply to Fuking great year so far by Spare-Help562
Whatever your doing, do opposite
Snoo-62999 t1_jegrvdz wrote
ScummyCivicOwner OP t1_jegruw7 wrote
Reply to comment by Ozi_404 in Beyond Meat? by ScummyCivicOwner
Your wife’s boyfriend’s lifted Silverado doesn’t pay for itself. Good man.
ghann t1_jegrtxr wrote
Reply to comment by No_Zookeepergame_27 in Hi friends! I just started trading last year and i wanted to share some hot nsfw loss porn. by HookerAddiction
Autism is a hell of a drug
quaterinchkilla t1_jegrn1j wrote
ScummyCivicOwner OP t1_jegrlpu wrote
Reply to comment by backdoorbandaid in Beyond Meat? by ScummyCivicOwner
I’ll take the miracle $5 I’ve made off them this week and put it into something else tomorrow. Or am I supposed to wait until I’m down half what I put in?
Ozi_404 t1_jegrle5 wrote
Reply to Beyond Meat? by ScummyCivicOwner
I only eat behind Wendy's
BlackSky2129 t1_jegrk9p wrote
Reply to comment by GSamsa1977 in We did it everyone. by TendiesForTheBoys
Exactly, that’s how fractional reserves work. No bank can survive a run like the VCs pulled on SVB
backdoorbandaid t1_jegrh8z wrote
Reply to Beyond Meat? by ScummyCivicOwner
You should investigate their financials. It's not looking good.
Rd21Bn t1_jegrefd wrote
Reply to I shorted the Nasdaq AMA by Curiousdude925
thank you for your service, ser
you are the fuel we need in this bull market
No_Zookeepergame_27 t1_jegrdsc wrote
Reply to comment by ghann in Hi friends! I just started trading last year and i wanted to share some hot nsfw loss porn. by HookerAddiction
He doesn’t strike me as someone hedging it. The guy owns TQQQ, goes max bearish on NVDA, shorting futures … suddenly he wants to hedge his TSLA?
Waitforsquirtle OP t1_jegrd5t wrote
Reply to Homie doesn’t know how to take a screenshot, somehow degens his way into 6 figures by Waitforsquirtle
I’ve been trading TSLA exclusively all year and told my buddy about it. He decided since I’ve made 15k like 500-1500 at a time he would just yolo it all this AM on 0DTE 200c. Somehow he didn’t sell any of them at 100,200,300 percent and tsla kept dildoing up. On the plus side he booked us a trip to Vegas this weekend.
HomosapianDaGreekGod t1_jegr8rq wrote
Reply to Charles Schwab changing receiver account by Dr_One69
sounds like ur money is gone and u didnt even get to buy puts . better luck next time brooo…. shiiiii…. 🥲
J-E-S-S-E- t1_jegr7ld wrote
Yea fuck them
Casualredum t1_jegr71l wrote
Reply to comment by RegulateTheRegulator in TSLA 0dte YOLO by awkwaman
I bought a cheap NVIDIA. Call. Sold it for $98 profit. Im happy.
Artistorgambler t1_jegr6xp wrote
Reply to comment by Ron_Pawl in TSLA 0dte YOLO by awkwaman
Tou could have made 20000 easy. But loose all too
Zeepenguinman t1_jegsdgy wrote
Reply to comment by defbrett in YOLO: May Lord Buffett announce a position in $FRC this weekend. $29k on next weeks 15 calls by dustytrashfence
RemindMe! 4 Days