Recent comments in /f/wallstreetbets

nononononofin t1_jegxehz wrote

On a more serious note; they lost almost 70 million dollars last quarter. They had -85% net profit margin in the same quarter. They have a negative PE ratio.

I’m one of the few people who enjoys beyond meat products, even though I’m not a vegan or vegetarian. But yeah I wouldn’t touch this stock with a 10 foot pole.


mrnotadvice OP t1_jegwzbr wrote

I don't understand that comment but here's some free advice - criticizing people is the surest way to miss opportunities. Not everyone on Reddit is a shill. Before you open your mouth with a comment just bc you want to show people how funny you are, perhaps you could try something different. I'm inviting you to take the time to peruse my trades just over the past couple of weeks. Might take you 15 minutes. If you still think at that point I am a fraud, fine by me. But what if I am not? Are 15 minutes worth your time?

So you have a choice right now - respond with another stupid comment or "waste" 15 minutes of your time. Either way, it will have no affect on me or my profits. I hope you take the 15 minutes. Thanks.


bowlingfries t1_jegwxmu wrote

i bought fucking puts yesterday at 4.00 My dismay to see the positive price this morning after being throughly confused why the earnings report made the the stock fall AH yesterday. Twas quite the tease to my tickler