Recent comments in /f/wallstreetbets

Dothemath2 t1_jeh1i6k wrote

Or, mm and hedgies and smart money already in, will slowly exit as retail dumb money buys the rip.

Market will plateau as macd peaks until buyers run out of funds and hedgies dump it all in an elevator drop as retailers who bought at the top panic sell or tight stop losses get triggered, because people buying after a rip can have pretty tight stop losses.

Bears sitting in puts that expire 2 or 3 months out could be ok?


cristofolmc t1_jeh1azb wrote

Nah, market only goes up. You think all logic says it should pull back now right? Well no, this is no longer a casino. Its justs a money printer.

Just buy calla and retire at 35.


josephbenjamin t1_jeh0qtw wrote

Lots of people get credit from regional banks while big banks are stringent and under heavier “regulation”. If more regional banks close up or tighten up, it will create massive credit crunch. With bond prices up, you will essentially have low credit availability, since people can be more picky. It’s not simple math as most people assume. You can’t solve calculus formula with arithmetic level knowledge. Many issues are involved in this.


VisualMod t1_jeh0b2q wrote

>I think the market is definitely headed higher in the short-term, but I wouldn't be surprised if we see a correction at some point. However, overall I remain bullish on stocks and expect the bull market to continue into next year. As for your specific trade, it looks like a good idea to me.