Submitted by sikeig t3_yfwlil
Submitted by robertlemkin20 t3_yfz676
Submitted by Additional-Ear-4436 t3_ygmb2o
Has this helped AMZN at all? Do you shop at Whole Foods? Would you shop there if Bezos was at the register and have you a dozen bananas or a watermelon? A 14 billion acquisition
Submitted by UltimateTraders t3_yhn3w3
Submitted by Ok_Bug7000 t3_yicm53
Submitted by OPINION_IS_UNPOPULAR t3_yin4pn
Submitted by nofaploveit t3_yiodfm
Submitted by ABHairProducts t3_z8xo2l
Submitted by [deleted] t3_z7yp02
Submitted by [deleted] t3_z7tuqj
Since Apes deny reality unless it confirms their bias, here is an Icahn quote from a February article confirming his GME short
Submitted by Hedge_Fan1979 t3_z23cyo
Submitted by [deleted] t3_z3vdu8
Submitted by Jshbone12 t3_z6t8tq
Submitted by TheCaptainRides t3_z92f61
Submitted by [deleted] t3_z8a7id
Submitted by OkRun9022 t3_z7zbnv
Submitted by newreddit2022104 t3_z92cub
Submitted by [deleted] t3_z7xof8
Submitted by JOEGUARD1990 t3_z7drov
Submitted by 3week_old_cheese t3_z8m1n5