Submitted by Infamous_Sympathy_91 t3_10p7ljx
Submitted by Njkoskin t3_10q4mtd
Submitted by totallynotagenius t3_10n27jg
Submitted by Matteomux t3_11d4kjz
Submitted by Surlax t3_11e65gn
Submitted by NebulaMean6128 t3_zs3njp
Submitted by tommybaglboy t3_yfzwpl
Submitted by Shadow07655 t3_10oheba
Submitted by Always_Late_Lately t3_10q6vrb
Submitted by illjustcheckthis t3_zx5p8a
9/15: $ADBE falls 17% after announcing deal to acquire Figma for $20 billion. 2/24: Falls 8% on reports DoJ will block the Figma deal 😅
Submitted by FI_investor t3_11bdmu6
Submitted by DontDrinkBongWater t3_yi20ky
Submitted by Dreamsssog t3_yip4iy
Submitted by [deleted] t3_127fgqy
Submitted by Intelligent_Form_616 t3_11dgd7m
Submitted by Present_School_8754 t3_11dskic
Submitted by JerryJonesStoleMyCar t3_z7d7tu
Submitted by M_Scaevola t3_11v0hhr
Submitted by queso_trades t3_z6yahn
Submitted by [deleted] t3_10qejy7
Submitted by IVchaser t3_11elpwf
Submitted by Temperature_Foreign t3_123xz8m
Submitted by ThePlausibleDollar t3_125tee1