Submitted by lawthrowaway101 t3_126w49v
Submitted by MeestarT t3_11egp1k
Max short $11.5K worth of NVDA with conviction. Macro trend is with me, basic conditions are in my favor, and there are men who are wrong.
Submitted by september72020507pm t3_11df764
Submitted by Who_Shit_In_My_Pants t3_10m39y8
Submitted by droneauto t3_10ogjzz
Submitted by Schwimmbo t3_zzxqzs
Submitted by Badboyardie t3_zzyo7m
Submitted by KryptoSC t3_zyaxad
Submitted by shejkztar t3_z7rlsw
Submitted by value1024 t3_ygs86v
Submitted by chadkroeger69420 t3_yidttm
Submitted by JustDanYo t3_yhj4mv
Submitted by ImaginarySector366 t3_yiqme1
Submitted by ScaleAppropriate t3_11zvd6z
Submitted by mrnotadvice t3_121xma3
Submitted by DaewiSavage t3_115risf
Submitted by Rim_World t3_10qbdk1
Submitted by fenton7 t3_zqn8pr
Submitted by ChuckLeClerk t3_zywnfn
Submitted by SkylerPhoenixx t3_zwqvfl
Submitted by rupiefied t3_z78549