Submitted by Glum_Mongoose_8482 t3_zxceaj
Submitted by Infamous_Sympathy_91 t3_z605qd
Submitted by DudeWheresMyStock t3_z8dqvt
Submitted by TheRealAlexLifeson t3_z3a7ll
Submitted by H0lland0ats t3_z8ukg0
Submitted by Datagreg t3_yij27k
Submitted by ChaosPancake t3_yimhit
Submitted by Wide-Comparison4318 t3_ygj32t
Submitted by FMEngineer t3_1252awv
Submitted by S1apNT1ckl3-1 t3_10ohmbv
For all the folks who think a recession isn’t coming because of temporary rallies based on last year’s data:
Submitted by KuntFuckula t3_10q9awa
Submitted by [deleted] t3_zzppuc
Submitted by realAmitkumar t3_zz2de8
Submitted by [deleted] t3_z63pzv
Submitted by jbourbon69 t3_z962tz
Submitted by PestiferousOpinion t3_yeof0i
Submitted by Free_Acanthaceae8111 t3_yhwj6m
Submitted by ScummyCivicOwner t3_1280o7z
Submitted by ImaginarySector366 t3_11cztyr
Submitted by mytendies t3_11ed3ul
Submitted by Desperate-Tennis3891 t3_10q9ejb
Submitted by RockAndRollMeansWell t3_10mwodg
Submitted by mlamping t3_10or65x
Submitted by [deleted] t3_yzlf1u
Submitted by awkwaman t3_127ra5y