Added more to my 0DTE YOLO puts on TSLA today after seeing a head and shoulders pattern in my astrology book. Will post gain/loss.
Submitted by gypsies232 t3_zz41yz
Submitted by gypsies232 t3_zz41yz
Submitted by nofacetheghostx t3_11dlr4o
Submitted by NebulaMean6128 t3_zs3njp
Submitted by 0x11C3P t3_ygjevj
Submitted by megaultraman t3_126ac40
Submitted by totallynotagenius t3_10n27jg
Submitted by Intelligent_Form_616 t3_11dgd7m
Submitted by Infamous_Sympathy_91 t3_10p7ljx
Submitted by Wise_Reception2672 t3_z3rxvu
Submitted by InterestingHurry1834 t3_yi61jk
Submitted by [deleted] t3_11az7b9
Submitted by TwitchNotTv t3_11bj0t9
Submitted by Bukkakecat t3_zzcce2
Submitted by Firesaleatthebuy t3_z7uq6n
Submitted by Fun_Salary_6393 t3_126slbz
Submitted by vwxyzabcdef t3_125x6br
Submitted by [deleted] t3_zzjde8
Submitted by Confident_Abroad4984 t3_z3qdll
Submitted by rcastine t3_126lmld
Submitted by mrnotadvice t3_1273jda
Submitted by SwearImNotACat t3_10qb5hc
Submitted by Mobay_Luv t3_11dlm77
Submitted by ohmygorn t3_10pzdsw
Submitted by f00dl3 t3_zz305k
Submitted by [deleted] t3_zvjg61