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Deanocracy t1_j90snsi wrote

  1. This is recognition of a problem..l literally step one. Good

  2. DC govt has control over OAG and youth prosecution and that is even lighter in holding violent criminals responsible

  3. Our sentencing limits are fine. If properly applied they of course reduce crime by removing criminals from society. The problem is the lack of any sentencing not the limits. You don’t need to spam “longer sentences don’t reduce crime” like a bot. No one wants harsher sentences on the books.

  4. You have completely limited the liability of the situation we are in. YOU know about it how? What wapo articles have you read discussing the USAO awful track record? Where did this understanding off the ineffectiveness of USAO you allude to come from?

Why isn’t it a step that our media needs to be reporting the courts? Why shouldn’t we desire a full transparency into our judicial system? Heck they could keep it anon and just discuss the case and it would be effective.