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joymarie21 t1_j9m4hqp wrote

DC has a few drop-off sites listed on their website. Just Google it.


kmrinva t1_j9mrkfv wrote

Bestbuy has electronic recycling. I have dropped off printers, old laptops, computers. I would think they take all types. Its not well advertised and was paused during the pandemic but I believe they are back to taking items again.


buxzythebeeeeeeee t1_j9n9q6s wrote

From the webpage: "In 2023, there will be one eCYCLE collection event in each Ward during each quarter." I took advantage of the program last year to get rid of a bunch of broken electronics. Anybody can drop stuff off at any location. They definitely take TVs and don't charge anything. Whether any of the events will be convenient for you in terms of time and location, I don't know.


IcyWillow1193 t1_j9o83uw wrote

Is it broken? If it's still working you can give it away on Freecycle or Buy Nothing.