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VulcanVulcanVulcan t1_j78fuvk wrote

Bro, this is America. It does.


thepulloutmethod t1_j7ba61n wrote

Do you tip when you buy stuff at the supermarket?

Does the labor of countless cashiers, inventory workers, stockers, butchers, and other staff mean nothing to you?

Of course it doesn't because you are the customer. You pay for the price of the product you are buying. The employer sets the price of the product and that should cover whatever wages they pay their employees.

This is how it works in every single country in every single industry, except for food and cosmetic service in the US.


VulcanVulcanVulcan t1_j7djnrk wrote

Yes precisely, that’s not how it works in the restaurant industry so people should stop acting like not paying tip, or paying small tip, is justified and noble. It’s not. It’s just cheap.