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Playful-Translator49 t1_j8snfpx wrote

I wish the listing was still active or available it was kinda hilarious. It started as one 3 bed normal townhouse with basement on a corner lot with nice yard and parking. They took the first house and basically left it and ripped out the parking and yard, connected and added a second 2 level and then extended the upper floor over the other house. I have no idea what the inside looks like as the one unit was newly constructed but it’s got 2 AC units and now window units in all the rooms. It was absolutely constructed this way for the per bedroom situation.


giscard78 t1_j8sp4aq wrote

what’s the address? it could still come up


Playful-Translator49 t1_j8swzc1 wrote


wizer1212 t1_j8u9wvj wrote

This home is currently off market - it last sold on February 10, 2020 for $470,000. Based on Redfin's Washington data, we estimate the home's value is $1,252,098.


Andrewmi3 t1_j8xbjui wrote

Wow, I thought “this sounds like the monstrosity in my neighborhood” and sure enough it is. Hello apparent neighbor?