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tehruben OP t1_ja5ki2m wrote

Probably the most likely answer - although both are upside down, which led me to think it was intentional?


BrokenJellyfish t1_ja5kqnu wrote

Honestly it's easy to get mixed up which end goes up top. Either that or they did it on purpose and "oh no I oops-ed" if anyone asks them.


keyjan t1_ja5kyfo wrote

Yep. Especially if it’s the kids who run up the flags; bet they thought it was hilarious. (In high school, we ran up the flags. We would also occasionally run a uniform skirt up the flagpole.)


tehruben OP t1_ja5kxt3 wrote

Sounds about right - I’m going to be riding again tomorrow, I’ll check to see if it’s still like this.