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spince t1_ja5vuio wrote

If the staff aren't seeing their wage or benefits increasing following the administration of the service charge the staff should find an employer that is more fair to them.

It truly is not your responsibility as a customer to solve.

Trying to solve an employer/employee problem by putting it on the customer through tip inflation is going to result in more customers staying home in the long run and that's bad for restaurant owners and servers alike.


wandering_engineer t1_ja7btpq wrote

>Trying to solve an employer/employee problem by putting it on the customer through tip inflation is going to result in more customers staying home in the long run and that's bad for restaurant owners and servers alike.

Absolutely. I have always hated tip culture with a passion (it's so stupid, just charge what I'm supposed to pay), all this service fee BS makes it even worse. Really just turned me off to going out to eat or drink at all post-COVID, I rarely do anymore except for the occasional take-out. I have sympathy for restaurant workers but I also have no doubt many others feel the same way and are just fed up with dealing with it.