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horseydeucey t1_j9ej4fp wrote

Assuming you mean Wizards jerseys, the team store at Capital One Arena should do the trick.


B055cat t1_j9el2zb wrote

Anywhere with some more variety in team options?


horseydeucey t1_j9eruox wrote

I remain unsure of your meaning, so I only have assumptions.
By "more variety," do you mean other NBA teams?
If so, you're going to find slim pickings. Not too many places selling NBA jerseys in DC anymore, I'm afraid. I may be forgetting the odd shop or two. You'll likely have better luck visiting malls outside the city (I wouldn't think the best use of one's time if only spending a night in DC), or... like the other poster said that you took as smugness... the internet.


B055cat t1_j9esqvx wrote

Yeah I was looking for some other teams so thanks for giving me some info. I have checked "the internet" but couldnt find anywhere obvious. Also don't know what any of the shops are as I'm not from the US and can't get anything delivered as I'm only there for a night. I'll just not bother. Thanks for the help