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cptjeff t1_j8epkfc wrote

> Sure it’s illegal to have a gun in DC, but if he didn’t brandish it or use it against anyone, did he really need to be thrown in jail?

Look, he just had a sarin bomb but didn't actually set it off, can't we just give the man a break?


jayzfanacc t1_j8eqm8h wrote

Just say you’re okay with using state-sanctioned violence against an individual who harmed nobody and move on with your day.

It’s okay to be an authoritarian, but there’s no need to be a dick about it.


cptjeff t1_j8eukj4 wrote

Carrying a gun around creates an elevated risk of harm to everyone in the vicinity. A latent threat of violence is still harmful to a peaceful society, even if that threat is not ultimately acted upon.

Carrying something whose primary intended use is to kill other human beings without overwhelming need is something that a functional society quite justly punishes. Just say you're afraid of black people.