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joegant t1_j8rb2bv wrote

And our fearless mayor wants to become Biden’s running mate in 2024


Adventurous_Gap_5946 t1_j8rd5cj wrote

Please tell me that’s not true. This city is falling apart and she’s nowhere to be found.


celj1234 t1_j8rj9c5 wrote

The city is not falling apart lmao


FlimFlamMagoo728 t1_j8scii7 wrote

Seriously, we have some problems (which, everyone everywhere all the time has problems of one type or another) but in the grand scheme of things people living in DC have it better than most Americans and objectively like 99% of the rest of the world.


Adventurous_Gap_5946 t1_j8rkug5 wrote

Y’all are crazy if you can’t see it. I’m born & raised in dc, and was here in the 90s when shit was BAD. This city is on its way back in that direction. Or do you consider daily carjackings and murders to be A-Ok?


celj1234 t1_j8rmy2l wrote

Been here for 30 plus years myself. The city is not “falling apart” esp in comparison to other US cities


justmahl t1_j8rok47 wrote

If you're paying attention you would notice that the same rise in crime is happening across the country. I'm pretty sure it's pandemic related but this country doesn't invest enough into mental health research to really dig into that.


OctoberCaddis t1_j8scpjn wrote

The fact that increases in crime are occurring elsewhere by no means requires that we tolerate them here.

There are homeless in other cities, should we abandon all efforts to address the problem in DC?


justmahl t1_j8sfxt7 wrote

Where in my statement did you see me suggest we tolerate it?

My point is that the city is not falling apart and the crime issue is something that if we actually want to address it, versus just looking tough on crime and kicking the can down the road, we need to recognize that there are some commonalities across this country and we should try and start there. But there's very little motivation for that.

From what I see, most of the people complaining just want elected leaders to "look" like they're doing something. They are totally fine with crime existing as long as it's not in front of their doorstep.


joegant t1_j8socph wrote

Really? Haven’t noticed it in NoVA or MD


justmahl t1_j8sz87c wrote

Ahh that solves it. I was waiting to see if you noticed it random person. Must be made up.


joegant t1_j8u27ej wrote

Fairfax has 1.14 million residents DC has just over 670,000

Fairfax had 20 homicides in 2022 DC had 203 homicides

Fairfax also had 20 homicides in 2021 DC had 226

Fairfax had 15 homicides in 2020 DC had 198

Fairfax had 14 homicides in 2019 DC had 166

Look it up…


FlimFlamMagoo728 t1_j8scvvl wrote

Compare the numbers on carjackings and murders to 1993, I'll wait.


Adventurous_Gap_5946 t1_j8sdpqn wrote

Lol I’m willing to bet you just spent the last hour between your two comments doing just that, so I’ll pass.


FlimFlamMagoo728 t1_j8s2srh wrote

This city is objectively better in just about every measureable way since the 90s


Most_kinds_of_Dirt t1_j8spqxc wrote

DC crime stats 1992-2022:

Category 1992 2002 2012 2017 2022
Homicide 443 262 88 116 201
Sex Abuse 215 262 263 295 158
Assault w/ a dangerous weapon 8,568 4,854 2,356 1,859 1,383
Robbery 7,459 3,731 4,262 2,179 2,064
Violent Crime (total) 16,685 9,109 6,969 4,449 3,806
Burglary 10,721 5,167 3,694 1,530 1,042
Motor Vehicle Theft 9,118 9,168 2,863 2,416 3,730
Theft * 30,663 20,903 21,960 24,800 18,556
Arson ? 109 36 5 4
Property Crime (total) 50,502 35,347 28,553 28,751 23,332
All Crime (total) 67,187 44,456 35,522 33,200 27,138

* Theft / Larceny was reported under a single category until the mid 00's, but two separate categories in later years (Theft from Motor Vehicle and Theft (Other)). I've combined the two categories here for direct comparison between the reports.

Data for other years is available here:


TheMegaBenson t1_j8rhlou wrote

How is it falling apart?


9throwaway2 t1_j8rnluu wrote

its not. shit seems to have peaked last summer/fall. things are slowly (too slowly, but still) getting cleaned up. now inner downtown is a bit dead since WFH is a thing, but most other things, including crime, are trending in the right direction.

the one exception seems to be bad driving with fake plates.


waldrop02 t1_j8turnz wrote

They feel like there’s more crime happening


Acoustic_Ginger t1_j8rll3i wrote

nah, where the city is getting worse (and it's not falling apart), her policies are the problem


Formergr t1_j8sk2by wrote

> her policies are the problem

Let's not let the Council off the hook either, though.