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sprint113 t1_jeba4ur wrote

During the pandemic, I got bored and started making a custom Google map with the exact location of each entrance/elevator. I think it's particularly important for accessibility reasons because the elevator isn't always near where the station "M" is on the map and sometimes aren't very obvious where they are.

The Transit app does show where each actual station entrance is, including elevator entrances.


toorigged2fail t1_jebah3w wrote

That's awesome, did you finish it??


sprint113 t1_jebe9by wrote

No, it was yet another unfinished pandemic project. I did get all of the Virginia stations (except the new silver line) and most of the downtown core. I was mostly relying on Google maps/streetview to locate things. Metro has surprisingly good streetviews of most stations with 360 camera shots "walking" through the station uploaded by Metro.


toorigged2fail t1_jebkkmt wrote

Mind posting what you have so far?


sprint113 t1_jebm35y wrote

This is what I was working on. I'll have to look up how to import the metro lines into the map again to update it with the phase 2 silver line.

I think the most egregious elevator location I found so far was Court House.