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drr71-2 t1_jdqemiz wrote

I also suggest not looking for, and asking strangers to take risk for a "fancy apartment" for someone working minimum wage jobs. That's what makes this unbelievable.


[deleted] OP t1_jdqeq7s wrote



NPRjunkieDC t1_jdqgu0t wrote

Why move to DC ? It's not cheap living here


Thin_Decision_9212 t1_jdqhekd wrote

Costs the same as it does to live in Kentucky when you add up utilities internet and other costs of living

DC is cheap walkable and not filled with Transphobes/Homophobes, the city is known for its pride parades and has a large and diverse community

Much better than Yee haw ville imo


solidrecommendations t1_jdqj45t wrote

The cost of living in DC is about double that of Kentucky

Not saying you can’t do it for less, but it’ll be much harder

You are right that DC is extremely LGBTQ+ friendly, and that’s a great reason to move here - I hope you find the community you’re looking for

Source (yes, I realize it’s a state to city comparison, but you just said “Kentucky”):


[deleted] OP t1_jdqkzoa wrote



solidrecommendations t1_jdqlhv0 wrote

I’m not confused, I’m just stating that, objectively, DC is more expensive than Kentucky. I can speak to this from personal experience, because I moved to DC from a lower COL area myself. And if you just google the housing costs in Berea vs DC, you’ll see that I’m right.

But I’m not saying you can’t find a place in DC for less than you’re paying in Berea, because I have no idea what your rent is there. And of course in DC you can offset some of the higher living costs by ditching your car, for example.

I’m just making the general observation that DC is, on average, about twice as expensive as Berea as far as COL goes.


[deleted] OP t1_jdqloqo wrote



[deleted] OP t1_jdqlpz8 wrote



solidrecommendations t1_jdqme1s wrote

Because you said it costs about the same to live in Kentucky as it does in DC … and I’m saying that as a general statement, that’s not true

Can you live in DC for $3k a month? Sure, but it will be very tight. Not much leftover for going out, etc. Take into consideration that while you may find a better deal on rent at some individual place in DC vs what you’re paying, things like groceries, utilities, taxes, etc. may be significantly higher than where you live.

Anyhow, move to DC if you want. But you’ll be one of the first to do so to save money lol.


[deleted] OP t1_jdqmrqb wrote



solidrecommendations t1_jdqmy1r wrote

Chill buddy … you’re not reading my comments closely … I said it’s great if you can move here to find the community that you want, but you’re the one who said it costs less and is cheap lol

I thought we left our prior discussion on good terms, but you’re being sort of a dick


[deleted] OP t1_jdqnpl2 wrote



solidrecommendations t1_jdqo82r wrote

You’re overthinking it and you can’t seem to grasp that you’re asking for way, way more than a signature! You’re asking for someone to guarantee your loan and be on the hook for rent for you. It’s not a reasonable request of a stranger.

Would you co sign a $12,000 loan with a stranger? That’s what you’re asking, at a minimum.


[deleted] OP t1_jdqojhm wrote



solidrecommendations t1_jdqonrx wrote

Yeah I mean we aren’t your best friends, siblings, or children, so it seems perfectly understandable that this didn’t work at all


Thin_Decision_9212 t1_jdqp3tj wrote

That's what I'm saying my family is transphobic so I didn't have that so I came here....not that I'm your child

(Not trying to be an asshole)

Anyways people in other threads have triggered some PTSD so I'm gonna delete this account now

Sorry I asked and got pissed...