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SDC83 t1_jdszpvv wrote

I know it is always packed at the cherry blossom festival but I don’t recall the car issue being this absurd in the past?! Maybe I just forget how it was in the before times. Seriously though, why aren’t they closing the roads to anyone without a disability placard or shuttle busses? Seems like there are solutions here.


MFoy t1_jdtb6k8 wrote

Two things:

Pent up demand because people couldn't drive down for a few years, and although there were some crowds, plenty of people did stay home

Also, the weather was fucking perfect this afternoon. Just gorgeous outside.


chipmunksocute t1_jdtcrwa wrote

But still. Lile the insane backup alllll the waybaround Hains Point is something Ive never seen seen anything close to and Ive been here for decades, come out a dozen plus times to the cherry blossoms. This shit was something else today and I really want to know why. It was super crowded last year but like normal tons of walkers around tidal basin and way quieter on Hains Point but it was batshit today.


Eroc17 t1_jdth7nn wrote

Maybe bc of the kite festival happening at peak bloom, on a perfect weather day, when yesterday was such shit weather? I didn’t make it there but heard crowds were epic


DCGinkgo t1_jdtmbr0 wrote

This. Remember last week the weather wasn't great either except for Thursday. Pent up demand. Basically if you don't get to the Tidal Basin by 10 crowds were insane.


EmpressTita t1_jdvl6mu wrote

It's like they aren't ever going to see the trees again. Are they expecting something bad to happen to the trees?


mistersmiley318 t1_jdvrfuu wrote

Also several parking lots normally open are closed due to Metro staging construction equipment on them for the Yellow Line rehabilitation.