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mediocre-spice t1_je6g6k3 wrote

It really depends on where you are. For some people it's an extra 15 min, for some people it's 2-3x longer than driving because you have to transfer, do the metro, etc. I like it but it really really really depends where you live.


UmbralRaptor t1_je6yhf5 wrote

Yeah, it's an extra 1-1.5 hours at a minimum for me. Potentially 2-3 on the return leg if I get unlucky with buses / have to walk from Vienna.


[deleted] t1_je9zefz wrote



UmbralRaptor t1_jeadq3f wrote

Busses getting stuck in traffic may slow them down, but that's not why they're slow. I'd be more interested in BRT after there's a 3rd (2nd off-peak) bus running on those routes.