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Motor_Truck9006 OP t1_jasa531 wrote

I see posts about every other crime in DC but no mention of this.


MarkinDC24 t1_jasyk4n wrote

This sounds huge. Why is it not getting tons of press?


Fit-Birthday-6521 t1_jatf77f wrote

Surprise surprise surprise! For those of you old enough to remember Gomer Pyle.


ortsed t1_jau54av wrote

Is this in public filings? Would be interested to see


dc_laffpat t1_jawggid wrote

You know it’s bad when the NY Post is running negative press on him, considering how much money he’s given to republicans over the years.


Motor_Truck9006 OP t1_jawwdxo wrote

That’s false the overwhelming majority of those teams don’t. 2nd a team store is irrelevant I can go to Target/Walmart and get apparel. It’s 2023 people shop online. A team store is the weakest argument you can try to hold on to lol.


Motor_Truck9006 OP t1_jb0tn2h wrote

You’re still wrong give it up. Every team doesn’t have offices in the city they represent either. I can name several teams that don’t. Just take your L. About 20-25% of NFL teams have offices/headquarters, team store, stadium outside the city they represent.