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ActuallyFiveHorses OP t1_jd4ei94 wrote

Camera, Canon R5 w/ RF 35mm.


eiileenie t1_jd4essz wrote

Gorgeous! I would love to bring my camera but I plan on doing other things later in the day and don’t want to risk it getting stolen or broken!

I have a Canon 80D with an 18-135mm but I never use that camera because I use video cameras on the regular


dontforgetpants t1_jdbh1ru wrote

About 15 years ago, I was in Zion National Park hiking up the narrows in March. It was not crowded because it was freezing (water was fresh snowmelt, thigh+ deep in some places). It was incredible. We only met one other couple, two older folks, the guy with a very nice canon slung on his neck. We chatted, and he gave me a piece of advice I’ve never forgotten. I mentioned how he was brave for bringing his camera, that I had left my Nikon in the car. He said, “a camera left at home for safe keeping is no better than a broken camera.” It’s going to break someday anyway, might as well take the risk of that happening while you’re doing something exciting, and get some great pictures along the way. Put your camera to work and then carry it in a backpack rest of the day.


Quirky-Two-3253 t1_jd7gked wrote

Get yourself a peak design sling bag! Great for a camera and no one can tell it’s really a camera bag unless they know, and it’ll protect your stuff!