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Htowntaco t1_jcnjb8i wrote

Reply to comment by HereComesHR in Recent DC Trip by HereComesHR

I’m from Houston and yea the food from dc is pretty good. Some of the best Chinese food I’ve had.

I spent 3 days in dc and 3 days in Philly and took the Amtrak from Philly to dc. Man how I wish we had that here. Being able to go to Austin or Dallas would be awesome.

The subways in dc and Philly are pretty sweet. I only had to use Uber a few times when I got lost but google maps is pretty good at telling you what train to get on.

From what I experienced the people there where very friendly. I would be on a park bench eating a hot dog and people would just come up and talk to me, it was nice. And I didn’t know how to use the subway when I got to dc and a nice lady saw that I didn’t know what the hell I was doing and went over and explained to me how it works.