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DC-COVID-TRASH t1_jb1llyk wrote

What's wrong with So's Your Mom?


Mountain_Stress176 t1_jb25l4j wrote

Nothing wrong with it, per se. In fact, it is exactly what I wish we had lots more of in DC: regular ole delis.

However, I'd like to see a great bagel place in the hood, and if the best we can do is CYM, then so be it.


DC-COVID-TRASH t1_jb2vtj7 wrote

So's Your Mom is a lot better than CYM tho lol and is a great bagel place (by any standard except NYCs)


t-rexcellent t1_jb39sap wrote

i feel like the odds are pretty good one moves into the Philz space. I have no evidence this will happen, of course. Just a feeling.