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Barnst t1_jb1ln4e wrote

Qualia, Buna, ETA Cafe, Amen Cafe, the Coupe, and I feel like I’m forgetting one.


werewolfjrjr t1_jb1m5rg wrote

Yeah, Lulabelle is maybe the one you're missing. Little Food Studio does coffee on weekends too. Petworth is full of coffee lol.

ETA: there's also Heat Da Spot and Call Your Mother, more Park View but still Petworth-ish.


Barnst t1_jb1sqbc wrote

That was it, I forgot to mentally walk down Upshur.

Also the Starbucks in Safeway and Dunkin Donuts, if you’re feeling corporate.


t-rexcellent t1_jb3b63o wrote

i think of the coupe as being more in columbia heights (or 11th street if you consider that its own neighborhood). But if you're at the southern end of petworth then it's pretty close by.


Barnst t1_jb4mfjj wrote

I thought about that, but it’s actually a closer walk from the metro than Buna. Petworth is weird with its metro stop basically being the southwest corner of the neighborhood.