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acdha t1_jb2lrzo wrote

Pedestrians don’t have to jump out of my way because I avoid pedestrian areas and slow down when I can’t. If you’re not just trolling, try counting how many times pedestrians have to change what they’re doing to go around or avoid being hit by cyclists and by cars – the numbers aren’t even close, as you could guess from looking at the collision stats. The cause is obvious: cars need 10-20 times as much space per person so despite having so much space reserved for them it’s never enough; the same number of people on bus, bike, or foot will have a much easier fit.


Surefinewhatever1111 t1_jb2v1uv wrote

SWTG you guys gaslighting pedestrians never ends. Pedestrians shouldn't have to worry about both y'all and MD drivers; life is hard enough.