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drr71-2 t1_jb14wzo wrote

Just jump the gates like everyone else... only suckers pay for what the city is giving away for free.


iidesune t1_jb1598g wrote

Last night when I was returning home from a wizards game, I witnessed an entire family close to about 10 family members just hop the gate at Fort Totten. They did this almost as though it was just the norm. I felt like the sucker for actually paying a fare.

It's no wonder Metro is struggling financially. People seem to think the Metro is a free service.


super_derp69420 t1_jb16tit wrote

It would be hilarious how much someone jumping the gates bothers ypu people if it wasn't so pathetic


Powersimm t1_jb17uu8 wrote

Why does it bother you so much that people are jumping? What harm does it do to you?


ggrnw27 t1_jb1905t wrote

Given that a large chunk of WMATA’s funding is from fare revenue, it’s millions of dollars each year that could’ve been spent on improving the service. So yeah, fare evasion ultimately affects all of us


WontStopAtSigns t1_jb19tuu wrote

I've never seen a post about this topic. You're really breaking ground talking about this here. Thank you for this important dialogue.


BPCGuy1845 t1_jb1b5kh wrote

It angers me too. There is an obvious middle ground in enforcement. I agree that fare jumping shouldn’t give people a criminal record, huge fines, or jail time. But it can’t be ignored. So hit fare jumpers with ejection and small fines. It would stop if you were escorted off metro and can’t get where you are going.


InvisibleBuilding t1_jb1b6q8 wrote

I was driving on the Beltway and was the only sucker not speeding. Even in front of a police officer. Why is Maryland so damn lawless?


bananahead t1_jb1bqvb wrote

You should post this in nextdoor instead


Falco191 t1_jb1c7h6 wrote

They should do some sort of incentive program for those who pay…after x number of taps, you get entered to win a gift card or some sh**.


I_have_a_chair t1_jb1cfjs wrote

The solution here is higher fare gates that are harder to jump over, like the ones they have in Paris. But that costs $$ to install, and metro is broke


Loki-Don t1_jb1chu8 wrote

This ain’t rocket science. They need turnstyles that people can’t jump. Not sure how places like NYC figured this out in the 80s and Metro is still confused by it.


TravelerMSY t1_jb1cjvw wrote

Most minor rules are effectively on the honor system. Whether it’s free or not with depends on your personal ethics. I don’t like it either.

it’s no different than shoplifting. The people who follow the rules pay for the people who don’t.

But they could do periodic crackdowns. Just often and randomly enough that there a nonzero chance you’re spending the night in jail for it.


Blocguy t1_jb1cl9d wrote

The fuck are these comments with people promoting fare evasion. How hard can it be to carry a card and pay $3.50 to travel across the city? Low class and just plain shitty citizens.


daveed4445 t1_jb1cmlm wrote

The only real solution is making the toll booths essentially impossible to physically jump or sneak through. They exist but are expensive to install, which would be paid back with collecting revenue from the jumpers


MalHierba t1_jb1cybn wrote

Shit should be free anyway. Don’t be a spiteful square. I always pay but i root for people when they evade fairs.


SuperBethesda t1_jb1dbqu wrote

We got lots of 3rd world behavior in this 1st world city.


alabrasa240 t1_jb1dgcs wrote

All of y’all defending fare evaders are corny af


Yesterday_Is_Now t1_jb1dpgx wrote

Guess it depends how much your personal dignity is worth to you.


goodeats93 t1_jb1e2yl wrote

It is what it is. If you feel like a sucker don’t pay. Not worth caring about.


erichinnw t1_jb1e3ri wrote

I'm never sure if the people who attempt to use this reasoning are just trolling or if they can't/refuse to see the big picture.

If everyone jumps the fare, metro has a revenue shortfall which could result in among other things: service cutbacks, fewer employees to perform maintenance, safety checks, etc...

So yeah, it harms all of us when some people decide they don't need to pay for a service that depends on our revenue to function properly.


sbj405 t1_jb1ennk wrote

I don't support fare evasion and am a fellow annoyed, paying rider, but like most public transit systems very little of the operating expenses come from fares (~17%). While there are certainly reasons to enforce, closing a budget gap isn't one of them. In fact, some cities have actually saved money by eliminating fares especially on buses.


MiaaaPazzz t1_jb1fitz wrote

Consider it a form of low energy reparations and carry on with your day.


b_tight t1_jb1kohy wrote

Catch a few here and there. Fine them each $500 and start building a fund to install non jumpable gates.


rainbows-rust OP t1_jb27bkz wrote

I was arrested for fare jumping in nyc twenty something years ago (had tokens, had money, but that station had gone to card only. No machine to buy the card, so a friend tried to get a few of us through on his). I’m not angry if someone randomly jumps, but it was absurd to see almost everyone at several stops do it, and have no one care. No one needs to go to jail over $2, but what message does it send when the people in charge are literally looking the other way? Move on to the next post where people are complaining about being assaulted or harassed, and nothing is done. The point is that the people being paid to watch out for us give zero fucks and aren’t even pretending to do their jobs .

Also agree that public transit should be free.